
Haha! My mother's crush on Bruce Jenner in the 80s combined with my sister's love of reality tv has given me way too much knowledge of the who Kardashian/Jenner clan.

Me either... Come to think of it, that might be on my list of things to discuss with future children. Also that clots are normal (I thought I was dying).

Uggh, that happened to a cousin. It took her way too long to say something to anyone that her period had been going on until she mentioned it to me and my sister and we were like, um, dude, that's fucked up, go to the doctor.

Mine wasn't so bad, just embarrassing. I was about 2 weeks from my 12th birthday, not the first of my friends to get it, not the last, pretty well prepared that it would start at some point, didn't start in a big flood at school or anything. BUT, my mother decided to tell everyone. I do me everyone. Including, placing

She's Orthodox Jewish I believe (as in, I know she's Jewish and I think she's Orthodox, but someone who knows for sure can correct me). She wears sleeves, doesn't show cleavage, dresses need to be a certain length, etc. I like how she makes it modern, as opposed to a lot of the Christian fundies I know, who seem to

I think it helps that sleeves and lace have become more trendy over the past couple of years, so it's easier to find things that look nice and have sleeves.

See, nude shoes make sense to me because they elongate the leg, which I, as a fairly short lady with short thick legs, can use. See also- why I never wear shoes with ankle straps. They're hella unflattering on me (and adorable on a lot of other people).

She always manages to look just amazing. Like I have yet to see her in anything that makes me say nope. I love the figure emphasizing sparklies.

I actually like how she does the modest but stylish look for red carpets. I think she does a good job saying "hey, this is my religious belief, but it doesn't mean I can't look good!" I also want that dress. I don't know if I like the lace cutouts, but I love the color.

Ok, I am officially over this trend of dress colors that just blend into your skin. Also, that dress reminds me of Morticia Addams's attempt at a white wedding dress.

I'm guessing it's a crime set up for incidents like this, where something is clearly illegal, but there's just no specific way to define it. Because wtf.

That worked for me, but I stopped after a while because I got sick of counting calories and not enjoying life. I also just looked at calories and not carbs (although tried to go protein heavy). I will say, I haven't gained anything back because I adjusted my eating and exercising habits.

That's me, but it's not my cure for cellulite (which, I mean, I have, but not at the level I feel I need a "cure" for) but my cure for shorts giving me a vagina wegie. Thick thighs + walking + shorter shorts = no good.

My pediatrician always had my parents go out of the room once I hit prepuberty (I stayed with a pediatrician for a long time because his specialty was teens and puberty) and it was always these questions. Questions that he knew kids weren't comfortable answer in front of their parents but that needed to be asked. It

Haha, I was just thinking that the biggest reason I couldn't wear that dress is because my public hair tends to grow a 5'oclock shadow.

Honestly, a toilet paper replica is the only way I'd do a destroy the dress thing. I don't understand the trend...

1 slit= sexy. 2 slits= forgot to finish getting dressed. A pair of leather/suede pants under that would have looked very Game of Thrones-y and been awesome. I actually really like the rest of the dress too.

Sorry to get defensive. It's a instinct reaction to this sudden constant questioning of "nerd cred" that seems to have started, which I realize, now, that you weren't doing. I dislike feeling as though my experience is invalidated because I don't fit certain molds.

My parents had a dog who used to herd me to keep me in the center of the living room when I just started to walk so I wouldn't run into furniture or go up the stairs! He also stopped a home invasion. He was a useful dog.

26, lived in America since birth, have never been bitten by a dog, have had dogs my entire life, as have all of my friends, and just spent the weekend at a house with 7 dogs, ranging in size from 3lbs to 95lbs. The only person I know who has had a dog bite is my father in law who is a vet and regularly has to stick