
I feel the need to figure out who these "real nerds" are if they were not my group of closest friends who lump me in with them. The kids who got top grades, loved sci-fi, built computers in their spare time, were in charge of all academic competition at the school (I was the captain), attended midnight showings,

I think there's something to that and I'll use my antidotal evidence of myself. In high school, I swore up and down that I was a big old nerd and to a degree, I was. I got good grades, I was involved in a ton of stuff, and was an athlete, just not through the school (I danced, competitively, and spent more time on it

That's exactly my observation too, minus the money thing, since my hometown is solidly lower to middle class. Some of the kinda weird kids are still kinda weird and awkward too. They didn't really develop and are still having some of the same problems that they did in high school as a result.

Thanks. I was just doing what I hope anyone else would do. I just happened to be the person there.

I feel like they must have SOMETHING like that, but it might not be easily usable without really specific phone information, and it's probably quicker and more efficient to just get the info from the caller. I've never actually called 911 and had them know my location, so I'm guessing it's not a tool that's used

Right? I once had to call the police for a really weird situation (A woman signaled to me indicating that she had been kidnapped and locked in a car. It turns out later that she was REALLY high something and no one had kidnapped her, but she wasn't coherent enough to realize that her boyfriend was the one driving the

With the right kind of make up they might. You'd need to do something to emphasize your cheekbones and eyes to cartoon proportions and fill in your eyebrows if you're like a lot of blondes with lighter brows. I now want to dress my sister in law up as Anna though (petite ginger).

Willow Smith looks so pretty in that video. Like, I am loving her hair and makeup. But she's like, 13 right? Why couldn't I have looked that put together at 13? I mean, besides the unibrow and braces and general awkwardness and not having multibajillionaire parents with stylists...

Me too! Well, I'd always seen it as 5'4"-5'5" as the average height, but close enough!

I saw the same thing in India. I actually said fuck it with the sunscreen because of that (and am really glad I have olivey skin and don't burn much, because otherwise it would have been bad).

But sometimes it does have to do with genetics. I am also dedicated to fitness and enjoy weight training, but a size is unattainable for my body without starvation. My genetic predisposition is to bulk (and let's not start on the "women don't bulk up" thing. I realize it's true for a large portion of the population,

We only watched one live broadcast when I was a kid (when John Glenn, who had been our senator and was a state hero, went into space in the late 90s) but this would likely have been in my English classes. Except it's Saturday and summer vacation.

Bubbles for all the students would solve all problems. No need for sunblock, get transition lens bubbles. No need to worry about perfume or peanuts or anything else! Keep their own Advil in their own bubbles. No PDA, who cares about dress code because kids will be barely visible through their bubbles, plus, what's any

Right? Us too. I never did because I don't burn, but I distinctly recall it being on the "bring" sheet for an overnight camp with school, any and all field days, plus random other outdoor trips.

I feel the need to be defensive on her behalf. It's NOT her fault that this asshole is in the world. There's no guarantee that he would have been convicted, but it is a guarantee that she would have had to deal with continued trauma throughout the trial, including attacks on her character and sexual history. Even if

Well he's aged nicely. And by that I do mean- he's turned into a fairly attractive, but at the end of the day not so memorable man to Oberyn Martell, sex god.

It a lot of cases, it's hardly an "of course" with assaults like this. How many times have you heard about police slut shamming, ignoring the situations, blaming the victim for drinking or not being cautious enough, etc? Frequently enough to make me think that the police who encouraged my friend to press charges

This is mostly how I see it. A friend was assaulted and decided not to press charges with the police (they actually encouraged her to, but she didn't want the trial and possible attention). The school helped arrange things so that her attacker had to wait to pick classes until she did and couldn't be in classes with

Agreed. I dress fairly modestly and do not meet the standards of morality for anyone who complains about female modesty.

That's what they sold in the grocery stores near us because the entire area was old sewers prone to clogging. Good plunger type.