
I agree. That's pretty much how I feel about all big jewelry though, unless you are the Queen or allowed to borrow her jewels.

Straight up, I'm totally unfazed by this announcement. I never expected Taco Bell to be without additives like that. Mmm Taco Bell...

It was disgustingly awesome.

Greatest moment of college (ok, not really)- the day that Taco Bell announced that Crunch Wrap Supremes would be 88 cents because of their 88% beef. I ate far more of them than I should have and kinda never want one again...

Yeah, of the two princes, William always seemed like the one I'd mesh best with, while my sister, who's a bit more of a partier, always thought she and Harry would get along. I'm not saying this was a conversation that was had in middle school or anything...

I think some of it too is that Kate is naturally inclined to conform to the royal standards (she looks comfortable in those clothes, talking to people in person if as much in interviews, etc), plus she and William were together long enough that she knew what to expect before really being required to toe the line. She

Agreed. Anyone who isn't understanding that sometimes you can't afford things is a shit friend and needs to get the fuck over themselves. One of my oldest and dearest friends couldn't make it to our wedding because of finances (they couldn't even get home for Christmas) and my response was, that sucks, but shit

So, here's the thing- an invite is just that, an invitation to attend. It's not a mandate and there's a reason why there's a "no" box on the RSVP. I had plenty of people decline for our wedding because it was too expensive to get there, or their budget was allocated to travel for a holiday a few weeks later. I have

I think kids are an exception for funeral dress rules. Kids grow so fast that it's hard to keep them in dress clothes and when there's an event like a funeral, there's no chance to make sure they fit or that they even have dark colors. My mom never bought dark clothes for us kids and I remember when my grandfather

I'm against taking pictures of celebrities' kids when their parents don't want them, but these are clearly designed photo opportunities for a kid who is in his own right a celebrity. I'd be uncomfortable if it was creepy paparazzi shots of Will and Kate trying to just be normal with him and not a specific photo op.

Well and not just not white, not "white enough." I'm clearly white, but something about my coloring says Italian or Spanish to most people or Middle Eastern or Indian to people who aren't around any diversity (because I totally don't look like what you'd expect from someone Middle Eastern or Indian, like maybe in my

I'm wondering if we'll see more of this as the largest wave of European immigration gets further away. For example, my kids, I have no idea what the hell ethnicity they'll actually claim. My husband and I, between the two of us, cover a huge number of European ethnicities and have ancestors that came over in the

Wasn't there a big e coli outbreak with spinach a few years ago? Like a specific bagged brand and they found the ecoli in the bags, so the contamination happened before it touched anyone's meat. I also almost never cook veggies, so more often than not they don't ever even touch a cutting board. Straight into my belly

That is something I learned in India. There are a variety of bindis and some of them have religious meaning and some are just for funs. The origin was definitely religious, but now, a lot of it is just fashion. You see Christian and Muslim women wearing them, as well as Hindu, often when they're dressing up. Like, one

Twix are a gift from the chocolate gods. I can't even try to argue about that ranking. Reeses are their second gift.

I'm from the Midwest and have totally seen Symphony bars in all of the grocery stores, so I'd guess maybe they aren't on the East Coast? I wouldn't say they're common enough to add on this list.

Thank you! I've never ever been able to down one. Blerg.

Yup, most of the time that's me. The exception is when I know it's going to be a long wait and have eaten a bit before hand so I don't get mean or if there's a bar I can sit at and have a drink while I wait.

I will never understand people who bitch so much about how long it takes to be seated when they're quoted something. Dude, if you can't wait that long, go elsewhere. I understand, I get hangry in a big way and usually have a hard time waiting 40 minutes for a table. That's why I go other places or avoid crazy busy

That's how I feel. I love the adorable stories and baby pictures and none of my friends do annoying things like poop pictures. They do all have the cutest damn kids.