
Oh no, the drama kids and music kids were one and the same at our school, at least to a degree. We also had a huge, huge, like again, surprisingly so, music program for a school of our size and tax bracket, so kids who were somehow involved in music were everywhere and made up a solid chunk of advanced classes. And

Oh the FCA. I'm so glad to hear that they were like that everywhere, not just our school. They would try to recruit people by saying "you don't have to be a Christian or an Athlete to join!" to which my friend once responded, "but then what's the actual point of your club?" I actually have this insane story about how

Thank you for articulating why I never felt OK with participating in it. Our school had a surprisingly large GSA and Day of Silence was always a big deal. Even though I was an "honorary member" (GSA met at the same time as my dance classes, but my friends ran it and made up the bulk of the membership, so decided I was

Not at my school. I had a friend on the gymnastics team, so we'd go to the occasional meet, which was held in the small arena and there were never nearly as many filled seats as there are in that video. My school wasn't a huge sports school though, like we had teams, but they tended to suck, so people didn't go to the

I didn't know that but I'm not surprised. My cousins who are in 2nd grade are pretty light and petite and have to have booster seats still. The new rules are basically such that I would have been in a car seat until 4th grade.

Yeah, I'm from the Mid West, from one of those states that has a big deep friend state fair, and except for time abroad, have never permanently lived NOT in the Mid West. Note that I didn't say "Mid West, get on it" I said state fairs. I'm not stereotyping here. I'm calling out the fact that I grew up within 30

I'd go for Prince, Shelia E and Morris Day. I hate festivals and crowds and people, but I'd go for that.

Deep fry everything!

But it could be... ok, now this needs to happen state fairs.

White girl with a not pointy, wider than the average white girl nose agreeing with you down to the ipad (and iphone) camera being much more flattering. It's amazing sometimes the difference in my facial features between pictures.

Wait, this is from the Middle East, not the state fairs of the MidWest? Come on state fairs, get on it, you're failing at desserts covered in other things category.

Agreed. Don't mix the two up. Go Bobcats.

All MAC school bros probably wear a big 10 shirt at some point, depending on which Big 10 school they grew up closest to. Miami of Ohio- Ohio State. Eastern, Western, or Central Michigan- U of M or MSU. Northern Illinois- Most likely U of I. Ball State- IU and so on and so forth. I went to a MAC school and currently

It's a split depending on where said Chicago bros are originally from (because none are from Chicago). Indiana/ Ohio transplants? Corn hole. Upper Midwest? Bags (but yes, pronounced begs). I think downstate Illinois is split, but now I want to go to Wrigley on Friday when the Cubs get back and ask all said bros.

Haha, are you me? I'm going to a grad school that doesn't offer funding (although apparently there are ways around it) but I can justify it because I don't have anything else I'm paying back. I got a great education from my "safety" school and had more opportunities to do things than any of my friends who went to

Yup. That was me. No debt, so I got to go abroad several times, plus, when I graduated and couldn't find work, I didn't have to take on the first shitty job that would help me pay off the debt. It's very nice and if there is one thing I would recommend to a student going into college now it's this- apply to schools

I also wonder what this kid wants to do that makes each of the Ivies equal when applying, in addition to the, what I'm assuming are safety schools, that he also applied to. Like, when I applied to schools, I picked ones with good programs I wanted, not ALL of the good schools. I didn't apply to several great schools

I'm kind of betting that's why he applied to so many. I applied to a bunch of schools so that I could play the system and figure out who would give me the best scholarships. Otherwise, why would you apply to 12 different schools?

Oh! I've used that for something craft like that I did once. Clearly it was important since I have strong recollections of what it was. A gift basket maybe?

So much this. I had many, many, arguments with my mother that ended in "you know no one will notice this right?" She just found every single detail to be a point of anxiety. Worry about dye lots for the bridesmaid dresses? No one will notice. What if the linens aren't the same shade of purple or green? No one will