
The rabies vaccine is hot pink?? This is information I find fascinating. Also from what I hear, intensely, insanely painful, and so avoid rabid animals and beware bats (I love bats, but apparently there is a big problem with rabies in the bat populations here in the midwest).

I've actually had that concern too honestly. I know they keep some of it in freezers and know I didn't have the vaccine. Biological warfare terrifies me for that reason (also, the less probable but more terrifying zombie outbreak). On the plus side, people have been known to recover from smallpox? I don't want to know

Come on, it can't be that exhausting... I mean, how hard is it to totally ignore reality and just think what you want, regardless of science? Seems pretty nice to me, living without critical thinking skills or at least the desire to use them.

What? Really? Which diseases are you vaccinated for that don't exist anymore? Polio? wait... Measles that's it... hang on a minute, there was just an outbreak... The only disease I can think of that legitimately doesn't exist anymore is small pox. And if you were born after 1980, odds are, you didn't get that vaccine

I wonder why on earth they decided that they needed six members of campus security for investigating why someone might have been using the wrong bathroom.

Nope. You should have seen my legs when I was dancing. Like this, with more fat on them basically. I wasn't professional, so imagine what 8 hours of dance class a day can do. I still have intense muscles even though I haven't consistently danced for about 4 years.

It's not just me! My headaches aren't full blown migraines, but if I don't get a regular amount of sleep, near migraine headaches. I didn't figure this out until college either. Near daily headaches from age 11-20 before I figured it out. Now, I sleep.

My mom did something similar. I found this amazing dress about a year before my wedding, on sale, perfect fit (except the length, as I am as shorty). It's a size 10 or 12 wedding dress sizes so a 6 or 8 street size. My mother starts in on me needing to cut weight and doesn't stop. I was also working a job that made me

I'm sure she would have a ton of opportunity regardless of if her dad was president or not. Just given her educational background and her parent's educational background, plus the fact that they aren't exactly broke. The big problem is probably the security issues associated with going to school and not being able to

You absolutely learn how to handle dumb questions. It doesn't mean you can't laugh at the stupid questions later.

I bet it's really mixed feelings. I mean, they know it's coming so that's one thing. On the other hand, they've grown up in the White House. They'll have been there for 8 years, which means at their school for 8 years and all of their friends are there. Malia will be almost done with high school (for the life of me, I

Agreed. I'm born and bred in the Midwest, as was my dad's family for several generations. My mom's from the south. I occasionally feel the need to jump in on the defensive of the "lack of culture" thing. Eating fish is hardly a sign of culture, it's pretty much peasant food traditionally (look up the history of

Since he has a bunch of siblings and cousins who are still in the under 12 bracket, I wouldn't be surprised. It was an option for our wedding too and I just asked all of the parents of kids that age what they would prefer.

Some of it depends on how quickly it was killed too. Get a freaked out deer, you get not as good of meat because of the adrenaline. It's why I prefer the meat my in-laws' friend hunts. He gets a kill shot on a deer the first time, every time, with a bow. He's basically Katniss (hunts birds with a bow too. it's fucking

This is the exact reason why I have a friend who is vegetarian except when traveling abroad. At some point, she just says fuck it. India was easy for her at least.

I can see that mistake though, if there wasn't a description of sweetbreads on the menu. If it's not a term you've heard before, it sounds very different than what it actually is.

My father in law and his friends hunt and one of them is a butcher. That is some damn good deer meat, let me tell you. You can make fondue with it. I have always had great venison though. I had a friend growing up whose mom would make deer meatballs. That was amazing.


I'm from the Midwest and we had fish frequently growing up, as did a solid chunk of my friends, so I call shenanigans on the whole guy. Hell, I'm about to move further into the Midwest and am expecting a crap load more fish because people in the area I'm moving to enjoy their ice fishing, and fly fishing, and umm..

I'm curious about the spaghetti noodles. How similar are they to say, the noodles you get in the US? Or is it a similar but different noodle?