
I really want to try horse, I can't imagine it's that much different than various other large grazing mammals I've eaten (deer, bison, cow, water buffalo). It's just really uncommon around here. I don't think I've ever seen a restaurant that serves it. Next time I'm in Europe or Toronto maybe.

I highly doubt it based on the location of the wedding and reception. It'll be something high end. High end chicken fingers?

My parents were never that strict, but had a "you have to try everything on the plate" rule and if you really didn't like it then, you got to make your own sandwich or something. I have a bunch of siblings so it worked out well, and while we all have weird things we won't eat (I won't touch condiments usually) none of

They do. They also have the ability to shun food as wanted and make 7 meals a night.

I don't think that it's actually any anxiety, just really the ability to never have to try something new. It's this weird privilege of his parents being fairly wealthy, his mom staying at home and having the ability to cater to each kid's food whims, and since there were so many kids, they didn't go out to eat often,

I have no idea! We've joked that they're going to just have to do chicken fingers. I'm actually going to not be surprised if that's an option though...

I actually know for a fact that there are. I have a friend who only eats frozen pizza, chicken fingers, and hot dogs. I've never seen him touch pasta or dare venture into anything else really. His fiancee got him eat sushi once, but she doesn't eat the fish kind so it was literally avocado rolls. Seriously, the

Seriously, that is a cute child. The look on her face already says "dude, sorry about my parents... they're just so embarrassing."

It truly is... He really harped on the horse thing, at which point I just looked at my friend and was like "I'd eat a horse, why not, I eat meat, also I want to spite this asshole."

I was once forced to sit through a lecture/recruiting session from someone associated with the Army trying to get linguists (it was forced on all of the upper level foreign language students in high school). Instead of making a career in the military sound appealing, the guy literally said "you can order spaghetti

Well, you know, the vegetarian Catholics won't eat fish on Friday. Which is the only way to not eat meat during lent. By eating fish. (I wish I hadn't had this conversation IRL during Lent on year. "Hey come over, I'll make dinner" "Fish?" "No I suck at fish, veggie chili" "but it's Lent, I need fish" "no you just


I think that's why I'm so willing to forgive her fashion missteps. She just seems to not give a damn and always looks so confident. I wonder how much of this look is stylist and how much is just her being her.

It's totally jarring to see her and Lena Headey in their brunette states. I do think the darker color is more flattering on both of them though.

Woot! not alone. I can't remember who half these people are. Time to Netflix the entire series?

I will be in the club with you. Charlie for ever!

Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted to say. I like Arya, but I do think you're right about her being killed if she had stuck around Kings Landing. Neither Sansa or Arya would be in the positions they're in if they weren't valuable, but Arya is less so than Sansa and more trouble than she might be worth.

Yes! more Team Sansa people! She figured out how to survive in the belly of the beast, that's bad ass. She's also the Stark that seems to have the least honor complex, which has got to be good for her survival.

Very much this. It's hard to argue that it's conclusively in one place or another because everything is such a mishmash.

The biggest problem I have with "no ring, no bring" is for relationships like the one described above. They've been together for 5 years, to me that may as well be a ring, which I'm guessing is why you had exceptions to the rule too. I also think it's in bad taste to only invite one half of a couple, but that might