
This! I didn't develop my body image issues because of how Barbie looked. She was a doll and kids are pretty decent at separating out reality. My mom on the other hand? Beautiful but always saying she wasn't. Thin, but always on a diet because she didn't look like she did in school. So then when I grew up and was

We had an entire room of people who had never watched New Girl and did so purely because of Prince. It was fun.

That was my reaction too! I want Prince to make me pancakes and dress me up in fabulous clothes and council me through my problems. Oh to be a sitcom character.

I'm going to say- the best half time show since Prince's. Because Prince is the best.

I know! I love to remind people that he's a producer and wrote a bunch of songs for other people. He's really pretty damn influential on the pop scene right now and that is not a bad thing. I would totally go to one of his shows, I don't even care about him that much, but damn he's a good performer.

Twitter- a platform invented for me to discover how much I dislike people and for celebrities to use to make total asses of themselves.

Especially if you fall into the- meh don't care about football category. It's no weirder to me than any other Animal Planet show.

Of course Futurama won! All Glory to the Hypnotoad

Throwing a third vote for this. Hermione was so clearly more of a sister/friend than anything romantic. I think so many Harry/Hermione shippers come out of a)traditional expectations and b) Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe having great chemistry on screen.

Why had I not seen that yet? Why isn't it longer? Where is Julianne Moore in a viking outfit and the bowling pin girls? And the Saddam look alike? So many questions...

100% worth the tan lines.

No, I've totally lost track of everything about it. Isn't this like, the third trial? From what I understand, there's been a lot of sketchy handling of everything about it, on all ends, that has been horribly magnified by the media, who have totally different spins depending on what country you're looking at.

I'm really excited that this ad campaign treats them like the athletes that they are.

Fuck that, I like beefy legs... Basically, they're my natural state so I've said screw it and embraced them.

I had one, back in the day. It had a v-neck and some miracle darts on it. I loved that thing and could never wear it because it was purple and we had to wear black.

I love this shot because you can see just how much muscle dancers have. So often people are like, "oh ballerinas are so dainty, so tiny, they're so fragile" No! This is what a dancer muscle looks like under the tights. It's awesome.

This just seems necessary.

I kinda of think Drew Barrymore wouldn't hire a make up artist for this, but other people would. I have no basis for that assumption other than my impression that she is awesome and not caught up in what people think about her at all.

This is some damn good makeup. It's subtle, but not so much that she looks washed out. It's a red lip without being like, BAM look at my red lips. Solid vote in the Drew Barrymore direction. I also seriously like her dress.

Hell yeah! These kind of classes are usually upper level electives too, so hopefully these students are pretty involved in whatever else they're taking. Our honors college taught all kinds of fun pop culturey classes, my favorite was a sci-fi and sustainability class. My favorite history class had a strong emphasis on