
Yes! I'm in the pro-cape camp as well, but this one needs to not be so matchy with the dress.

When was this taken? There are full leaves on the trees... those are deciduous trees and it is January! How long has this adorableness been hiding from the American public?

I literally just checked the interwebs. She was born in 1993, so yup, 20, going on 21.

Wow, I assumed younger because she always is labeled as dressing age appropriate on red carpets, and I just assume that that usually means she's in high school. I know nothing about her apparently...

My dinosaur is actually still kind of awkwardly large for someone my size. Like, when I was at an age to carry him around, I literally could only hold him by the neck because his body was too big and he was disturbingly close to my heigh for the bulk of my childhood. I kind of love that

Welp, time to go hug my stuffed dinosaur. He's a bit neglected now that I'm an adult, but lives in my room (Toy Story 3 made me actually feel guilt over this btw).

Yeah, isn't she really young? like 15, 16? I would have absolutely cried at that age too, I never liked people yelling at me. No wonder she always looks so sad on the red carpet.

Your day was my day! We also didn't go to class if we didn't want to and it didn't fuck us over. And not going to class because of weather was a pansy ass reason to not go to class. You saved those days for hangovers and post all nigher recovery.

The only time we had any sort of snow day in school was when the county shut down for a snow emergency and no one was allowed to be on the roads, so only the handful of profs who lived within walking distance would have made it there. 2011, 2 inches of ice, the sidewalks were a hazard, still had class. People either

My mom's been asking me who the hell Robin Thicke is supposed to appeal to, since she assumes everyone her age finds him skeezy and he's too old for people my age to find appealing. I think I've found her answer.

I didn't take this as a make fun of weight regulation as much as a poke at how frequently we're bombarded with tips on how to not be fat that are somewhat crazy. Like, sitting in cold rooms. I feel like everyday there's some "new rule for losing weight!" and I'm over it.

Exactly! So many coaches really push too hard or perpetuate bad habits. In my neighbor's case, he simply didn't have a good pitching coach, so his technique was off enough to cause injury. One of my brother's wrestling coaches really pushed weight cutting, which lead to my brother having injuries (he was literally so

Yeah, that seems like a major risk when you start recruiting so young. My next door neighbor was a lefty pitcher with a 90mph fastball as a freshman and started to get recruiters then. By his senior year, he had fucked up his arm a bit, not enough that he had to stop playing, but enough that the big money scholarships

That happened to a girl in my grade at school. AMAZING athlete in general and one year decided to run track just for shiggles. Did really well, placed at states, was recruited for schools and said "I hate track. I'm not doing it again." She did end up getting a major athletic scholarship for basketball, which she

Yoko Ono is really looking good. This is how you wear a suit Madonna.

Ok, I don't particularly like Madonna's look (what is with the walking stick), but I find this adorable. Like, he's at an age where he's still ok to hang out with his mom and dress up the same way and it's nice that she's taking full advantage of it. He looks hella dapper too.

That is exactly what I was thinking. Have they totally disowned her yet? I really think sometimes that she's just making up for all of the lost Halloweens as a kid.

So, I realize this is beyond the point- where can I get Mary Lambert's dress? Cause, I adore it.

God, I must need to watch more prime time, but I thought you could say hell and shit on tv now... They need better bleepers cause those gaps ruined that shit.

Was it bleeping or really bad sound quality? It seems like they would have vetted the performances so they didn't have to be bleeped so much.