
My Fitness Pal has been great for me too. I've been on it for several months now and can back all of this up. I love the forums because they throw down on anyone who claims you have to cut all of x from your life to lose weight and really discourage unhealthy habits. You should do your own calorie calculations because

Someone I know was assaulted at school and reported it. A lot of shit didn't happen and frankly, the school was an ass, and she ended up not pressing charges so didn't have a ton of legal recourse, BUT the one thing the school did do is make it so that the guy is not allowed to be enrolled in any of her classes. She

All of this. I have a good friend who is a really nice not Nice guy. He has a hard time with girls for a variety reasons, shyness being one, location being another. He's never once complained about girls not liking him because he was too nice to them. We've been good friends for years, and at one point I suspected he

It's funny, because I'm not sure that's not a quote. It's something my dad used to say all the time when I was growing up (he teaches science, so we had lots of pro metric system conversations). I could have sworn he always said that someone actually said that regarding the metric system...

I just bought pomegranates with a label on it. It was just the seeds, nothing else, but label. Even whole foods might require labels if they're packaged a certain way. I've also bought garlic with nutrition labels on the little mesh bag they come in and our grocery store sells cherry tomatoes with them, because they

We here in 'Murica, don't want no foreign rulers.

Can't flame you for that thought. If I thought he gave two shits about actually getting help, I'd say fine, use the resources. But he looked so smug in those mug shots, you know he's just not taking things seriously. Don't even need a report that he scoffed at anything, you can literally see it.

How many times does Time need to do a cover story on meditation?

I, for one, welcome our new cookie dough overlords.

Tourists fucking up the commute is the worst. I live close to a major tourist attraction n a large city, I feel ya there. I can't get mad at them for coming to spend money, but for the love of god, learn how to not stop on the platform and block everyone else trying to get off the train. See also- walking on crowded

My question was rhetorical, because I am really aware of what they think they're doing. See rest of rant for why I don't agree or think that it makes sense.

Adding to that, all of the people who hate the actress who plays Sansa because they don't like Sansa. I guess she's had problems with people coming up to her and being dicks. I'll still defend Sansa until the end of time, but that's a whole other issue.

Right? I was totally worried that adding her was going to throw off the dynamic of the show, but she's awesome and fits in so nicely. Where was Amanda Abbington all my life?

Can I have a slightly off topic/on topic rant? I'm friends with a several people that fall into the "super fucking Catholic" territory and related to several others. I don't think they'd fall into the 1% of people that think abortion is the biggest issue in the country, but occasionally make something of it. I love

So, I really like this dress in the bottom picture, but it is not working in this one. I think it's hitting at an awkward length and the angle doesn't show off the pattern or something. So much prettier in the other picture.

So, we just finished season six of Mad Men. First time she spoke, my husband looked at me and went, oh my god, she doesn't sound like a little kid anymore. And then we felt old. She's winning puberty. Does she ever make any missteps when it comes to fashion?

This- I have a friend who works for the city government in my hometown. She said that they have about 5 arrests related to heroin DAILY in the past year or so. This town has less the 40,000 people, so you're looking at about 2000 people (not sure what the rearrest rate is, but you get the idea) a year who get in

This is amazing. Is there a place to see it even more close up?

I... I just don't understand. Rage flames.

Oh they totally are. Especially some of the girls, because 5th graders are right at that age where puberty starts hitting a lot of them. I don't know that it's all of the sex crazed hormones yet, but some of the beginnings of sulky mood swing teenagerdom. That was about the age my parents started letting my sister and