
What, why? That makes no sense at all. Like, I seriously want to hear the logic behind it. Dividing by ability- yes. Moving 3 students up who shouldn't be there and three students down who should? What was their excuse?

I just looked it up out of curiosity, and it looks like a crapload of royals are big into Elie Saab. The Swedish and Luxembourgish ones in particular seem to go for it.

I need this dress. In this color, with those pockets and that train. Also, an event to wear it to, because the grocery store, gym, and Indian place I go to are not formal affairs.

The more I hear about Taylor Swift, the more I want to be friends with her. She just seems sort of low key, like lets hang out, drink some wine, cook some dinner, and maybe play a board game or knit. I too, like to go antiquing and would go to Whole Foods if I did not feel the need to save money.

If you want a level 5 clinger who tends towards assholery, you can totally meet him. You do have to go to Africa for it though...

Oh Daniel Craig. I used to think you were so attractive. Then my brother grew up and started looking just like you. Those pictures are not helping. My brother dresses like that and holds his shoulders like that and has those fucking sunglasses. I saw Skyfall, Daniel Craig and my brother even walk alike. I just can't.

Yeah, my short round ass would probably look shorter, rounder, and not pretty in it. I would still try it on if I ever got the chance in my on going quest to see if I can wear a peplum. I can actually wear that color though, so that's a plus?

I am surprised by how much I like this. It's a peplum that I don't hate and might hit low enough on the hip that it might not be horribly unflattering on a not model.

Not as bad as others, but here's mine. This was back in high school, so 2002 or 2003. I met a guy at a charity event and exchanged AIM names. No MySpace, no Facebook, I basically kept my social media to nothing. This guy would contact me frequently and we got a long and chatted. He kept asking me out, I kept saying

Ok, a class like that makes sense to me. Kids deal with a lot during divorces and I don't think adults are always aware of how how little things they say or imply can hurt their kids, even when the divorce isn't horribly drawn out or vicious. My parents (read: dad) could have benefited from that. They didn't have a

I think she didn't want to share with the chihuahua. He's not nearly as smart or agile and I think she likes to taunt him. My poodle is actually half cat.

Haha, yeah, my poodle is the queen of eating food that's not hers. She grabbed pancakes off the table once and inhaled them in under a minute. What can I say, girl loves some pancakes. She also discovered where the dog food was and started climbing into the bag when we weren't home. We couldn't figure out why she was

I absolutely think that there's something to that. I grew up in a fairly white hick little town, but there was some diversity. The town had also experienced some white flight (only as much as a little town in Ohio can) and a lot of wealthier white families moved out to the country to live in subdivisions. That put

What? What the hell? What did the dog start doing that made this guy go Old Yeller on him?

My chihuahua mix just had to have minor surgery and was put under for it. He acted exactly like that. Fortunately, we had a vet in the house, so I wasn't that concerned, but I can just imagine seeing that and mixing it with chocolate. I would be totally freaked out. I did discover that most chocolate will not hurt

This is me, especially with dairy and condiments. You can tell when dairy is off, no need to look at a number at all. I had to throw out uncooked chicken last night because it was bad when I thawed it and I was so pissed.

I've seen a surprising number of pinned gifs on Pinterest lately. Maybe I'm in an experimental group? You have to click on them to get them to work, but not go to the original source. It's kinda awesome and like 75% Benedict Cumberbatch. Go to the Geek category and look for the little white writing that says gif.

If Joan Rivers thinks North West is an ugly baby, I want her to find me a cute one. Cause that child is adorable. Thick eyebrows are in Joan, that child is on top of things.

This is the most accurate gif to describe my feelings regarding the jumpsuit. I'm just so confused. Where are her legs in it? I really though the picture was a bad photoshop job at first.

Damn, she's pretty. I forget how pretty she is in the show because they try to make her fit the character, but she's really striking.