
What happened to all of the amazing bright colors at the Golden Globes. Did everyone go, nope pull back pull back, must go back to pale and black again? Designers, stylists, celebrities, look at Lupita Nyong'o. See how amazing she is. See how she wears bright colors. Do that.

I love this way more than I should. It's just so mesmerizing

That preview looked really good! I love the cast, so that's a check in my book. There was one with Colin Firth too called the Railway Man which could be decent.

Glad to help! Save your $9 for one of the 5 WWII movies we saw previews for (seriously, half the previews). Or good chocolate or cheese.

So, I saw WoWS this weekend and this poster is accurate. I love Scorsese movies, but holy crap, did this need to be an hour shorter. Literally, 1 hour of party scenes could have been cut and entire character arcs that went nowhere, and no one would miss them. When we walked out my husband informed me that he had

I don't normally like the half shaved head with long hair look, but man, Natalie Dormer can pull it off. I think part of it is that she decided to dress for her half shaved hair. I love the ear cuff thing.

Seconded. If there was a joke, I missed it and wouldn't mind someone explaining it to me.

In. Grew up in a haunted house. We moved in shortly after my parents split and one night I heard crying. The walls were not thick, so I assumed that it was my brother. I heard my dad go into his room and ask what was wrong. My brother responds that he'd fine, perfectly normal voice. So my dad comes into my room and

So, good job Aerie marketing people, I just totally went to their website to see what they actually have to offer. Here's something I love, particularly with the swim suit models. Yes, they're using mostly thin, conventionally pretty girls. But they aren't retouching all of the muscle out of them like you know they do

I want those earrings, or more likely, the best cheap knock off to be found. Any ideas?

I think the color and shape is largely beautiful on her, but yeah, there's something about it combined with the sleeves that is a bit aging. I think she hasn't figured out how to dress her figure yet while not dressing too old for her age. Hang in there Abigail, you'll figure it out. It took me a while too.

The more I stare at the cover photo, the more I think she looks like Carrie Fisher. I think it's the big, pretty, brown eyes.

Is there a good place to learn cricket? Literally, what I know I learned from watching Lagaan (which is a Bollywood film about cricket). I'm intrigued, I think it looks like more fun than baseball, but am just not sure where to figure it out.

I also think because Kim needs a PR makeover and Ellen is loved by all. Being associated with Ellen makes other people look good. Besides, Ellen's show is the perfect place to showcase adorableness. See- Kristen Bell and sloths.

Benedict Cumberbatch is one of the most frequent debates at our house, apart from who's sexier, Han Solo or Indian Jones. Is he sexy or not. I say yes, my husband his hung up on how he is a bit odd looking. We get other people involved with this. If you hear a couple yelling at each other over if Benedict Cumberbatch

I seem to disagree with a lot of people here, but I enjoyed it. I don't know if it's better than everything else, but it was fun. It's the exact kind of movie that my husband and I seem to be drawn to. It's probably not as good of a film as 12 Years a Slave or as technical as Gravity, but if you like heist/con man

Right? I feel like Scorsese's losing streak is rubbing off on him (because I will still never understand how Goodfellas or Gangs of New York did not win Best Picture over the things they lost to). DiCaprio has been putting out good work in a variety of rolls for a while now. Come on someone throw him a bone.

That's the same advice I'd give. I will say, I was more uncomfortable in Delhi than in Hyderabad, which is where I lived in India, BUT, absolutely nothing happened to me in Delhi, not even groping (which, unfortunately, is common). Ramp up your basic safety tips a bit, be aware of your surroundings, and trust your

Definitely a translation/ English as a second language thing. I've heard that phrasing before (ex- "when he came, we ate dinner").

In. Screw this Supernatural binge I've been on, Veronica Mars has called.