
Not going to lie, I kind of love the tip toeing illusion.

That was supposed to be centered over the "clashing chords" thing, not the pregnant thing. Although, come to think of it, I've never heard my grandmother say pregnant, just expecting...

So, just like my grandparents who are just a few years younger than her. Queen Elizabeth, just like us.

I want this entire look. I love coats, her hair looks good, and she's actually close enough to my size and build that I know I wouldn't look totally weird in it. I can get behind Lena Dunham modeling shit for me.

Me too. I don't care about the funky tan lines, I want that belted suit. I think it'd be super flattering.

Are there any youths around that can answer this? I'm a few weeks from 26 and do not feel qualified to confirm if Leo is old.

"Sometimes I get people who recognize that my name is Jewish and send me 'jokes' about burning me in a concentration camp." They also accuse her of 'censorship' when she writes the word "G-d.

Don't they have other things to worry about? I also am guessing that Leonardo DiCaprio does not carry the same influence with teenagers as he did when I was a teenager, and he really didn't have much then.

You'd be amazed at how many kids know various actors and musicians as preschoolers. Kids recognize people from movies or tv or music videos and start being fans early. I had a great conversation with my friend's four year old about why Christopher Eccleston is her favorite Doctor on Doctor Who. I also think Sesame

CNN has had shit news coverage for a while now. A friend and I just talked about how they have very little coverage of the the fact that several hundred thousand people in West Virginia can't use their water because of a chemical spill, but there are Justin Bieber headlines frequently.

Thank god I'm not the only one with that exact same though.

We're getting ready to move to Minneapolis, and this was literally a point in our pro column to move there. I think my husband has a Prince addiction.

I'm shorter than Prince... does that mean he's just like me? We both can't reach shelves!

Do you even like this season? I could not get past the first two episodes, but I'll go back for Prince. His Purpleness needs my attention.

I'm always amazed at how shocked my guy friends are when they hear about this kind of stuff or when you tell them about just how much harassment I've gotten as a woman. A few of them were just stunned that I was groped on the train and followed down the street by a guy yelling gross shit at me (on the same day by two

I'm so glad someone else noticed that! He did not look happy. I also don't think he was anywhere near as deserving for a win this year as he was last year (I thought he was way better in Silver Linings Playbook than JLaw. He carried that).

I agree, that's a huge problem. I don't fully understand why they released 12 Years a Slave as early as they did, because it seems like if they had released it later, the buzz wouldn't have died down.

Agreed. She looks less weighed down and her hair looks happier.

I love the green accents on that dress though. I don't think they photograph the right color in all the pictures, but it's selling me on the dress.

Someone please join me in getting really freaking excited at the number of bright colors this year. I love love love bright, bold colors and it felt like there were way too many neutral/pale pretty but meh dresses the past several years. Bring on the orange!