
Second this question. Is it lotteried? Do you have to be related to a cardinal? Inquiring minds need to know.

I honestly enjoyed the second and third ones more, but after the fourth was just kind of over it.

I'll be watching it probably. Just curious though to anyone who read the books- was anyone else really turned off by the rapeyness of the first book, but intrigued enough by the characters and the historical stuff to pick up the second? That pretty much happened to me and I've read the series in kind of a mixed

The tag line for this is “a wedding event for the cool at heart." It must be exhausting and expensive to be this cool all the time. I have a feeling this whole thing will look like Pinterest with some burlesque dancers and (maybe) minus cowboy boots?

I need a picture of said pom with alopecia. For adorable purposes...

Ok, so what I remember from competitions and I know a lot of this hasn't changed in the past 6 years (because I know way too many people who compete still)... categories vary studio by studio and competition by competition what qualifies as "Jazz" "Acro" "Lyrical," etc. "Lyrical" is usually closer to modern, but some

Maybe it's just where I planned my wedding, but I had no trouble finding real prices besides the $-$$$$ things. Finding my venue was perfectly easy using a combo of google and google maps. If you have to sign up to get on this search engine, it's going to miss out on some great locations that don't care about wedding

This gif is everything. Thank you.

I can back that up. I've met Cathy IRL (I was a competitive dancer in a studio that's not on this show, thank god). She was pretty awful, at least to people who are not part of her studio, I'm sure she's wonderful to them. Several girls I danced with had some really nasty run ins, one of them culminating with her