Right? I just spent 5 minutes scrolling back & forth between the two photos trying to figure out the same thing! I was matching them up...”Ok, skinny nose to skinny nose. Thicker nose to thicker nose. What happened to the blue eyed blonde guy?”
Right? I just spent 5 minutes scrolling back & forth between the two photos trying to figure out the same thing! I was matching them up...”Ok, skinny nose to skinny nose. Thicker nose to thicker nose. What happened to the blue eyed blonde guy?”
I was trying to carefully carry a super hot bowl of spaghetti-o’s down the stairs, missed the 2nd step & landed at the bottom. Spaghetti-o’s went flying everywhere like tiny frisbees. I found them in crazy places for months. And the bruise on my ass was huge.
She lucked out. I haven’t been to the others but the original Tomfooleries on the Plaza (where she went) is a disgusting pit. The ghosts of decades of desperate last chance hookups have settled into every crevice.
And our company won’t allow them. They are a liability or hazard or something. I guess they’d prefer we be in constant ergonomic torture.
And our company won’t allow them. They are a liability or hazard or something. I guess they’d prefer we be in…
Not usually my thing, but Game Grumps/Dog Island is so god damn funny.
We used to drink from the garden hose. I would complain that it tasted like metal & my grandfather would say “Those are the minerals. They’re good for you. They’ll keep you from getting sick”.
It’s ok dude. It took me until paragraph 3 for it to click.
We think alike! Looks like it could fit into some pretty funky glass shaped items.
We think alike! Looks like it could fit into some pretty funky glass shaped items.
And how could anyone find fault with how he looks in that suit? Good lord. That is one handsome man!
Where is this girls locker room meltdown you previously mentioned? I must have missed it.
Where is this girls locker room meltdown you previously mentioned? I must have missed it.
That’s My Boy!
God dammit. Now I’m pissed at myself for not knowing better.
Why do you feel the need to demean & dismiss her experience? Yes, you found an article about horrible things that someone else experienced. But it doesn’t make her trauma & pain any less valid. One persons pain & struggle should not be measured against another’s to determine if it’s “as bad” or not. This is not a…
Well I guess I’m not smart or spiritual then. And she doesn’t understand “irony”.
Profoundly gross & embarrassing.
If I weren’t such a proper lady, I’d say this motherfucking piece of shit needs to shut his dick trap.
For years, our greatest scientists, philosophers, et al have been pondering this mystery & searching for the answer to no avail. One of our universes biggest mysteries.
There’s no way to pick Just one that’s the strongest. Possible. Here’s a couple I thought of.
Jeez dude, give it a rest. You’re coming off a little obsessive.