If everyone’s a mole person, does that mean no sunlight? And if not, do we get SAD lights?
If everyone’s a mole person, does that mean no sunlight? And if not, do we get SAD lights?
And still just an 18 year old kid. Cute.
That’s such a poor sentence.
It literally made me nauseous reading it.
I know. I was just being a jealous hater.
They should make a companion piece about me as a 14 year old white girl in a tiny Kansas town spending a whole summer memorizing her tracks. I was so under appreciated!
Shut up Katherine Heigl. I’m on year 20 & still working on getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
All I can think of is those snap bracelets.
Oohhhhh... now I get it! Duh
I would only have fainting goats then run around the field scaring them all day!
Yes, we know that. It’s quite obvious. But, when the photo was originally published, super-sociopath gross Tom Cruise insisted he wore no prosthetics or padding of any kind!
I’m rock chalk or die, but they sure didn’t look like the best team in the Big 12 tonight.
Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.
I am acutely aware of how brutal it is. I understand & respect your point of view, but I just cannot make myself not want this for him.
Will he still be able to get raped every day in ad-seg? That’s all that matters to me.
Well, Rivers is only 20th on the list of top 20 most hated Duke players.
WARNING!! Once you have that baby, you will want more than anything in the world to cut your hair off into some short flippy “easy-care” do that you think you can pull off & look like a cool mom. Resist with all your might! You WILL look like Kate Gosselin, NOT Drew Barrymore, and down the road you will hate every…
I’ve had three of these. The original then newer models. Loved them at first but all theee stopped working after a few months.
I’ve had three of these. The original then newer models. Loved them at first but all theee stopped working after a…