
My biggest language pet peeve right now is the complete dilution of the meaning of the word amazing, because assholes keep saying everything from their dog to their smoothie bowl to their new crystal is SUH. UH. MAAAAAAAZING. It seriously makes me want to burn down a building.

I watched the video earlier and I swear when the cops asked why the dog, she said “because dogs are aMAAAAAAAAYZing!!!!!!”. So it does not surprise me in the least that she tried to crawl into someone’s car because she had a connection with a dog she’d never seen before.

Huh. He uses the term “found” the same way I use “liberated.” But I don’t steal peoples artwork and turn a profit for myself. I will liberate some extra ketchup packets. Maybe a glass if the service is that bad at a bar. I’m oddly more comfortable stealing a glass as a way to feel better about bad service than I am

Sir, we can scroll up and see that it is you who elected to reply to my response to another commenter. But you want to rewrite history because you are embarrassed after having been educated as to why the phrase “white slavery” is problematic. And now you also want to compare me to Trump, a deluded know nothing. Does

Let me guess, another white male? Like you, Iwont ... involved himself in the discussion because he thought he was going to teach me something. It turns out he was the one in need of a lesson, and I gave it to him. What does this have to do with you? Do you need a lesson also? Why are you screaming at someone who is

I’ve already explained to one white man why this phrase is problematic but hello new white mainsplainer. Are you here to educate me with your limited and incorrect knowledge? White slavery vs. chattel slavery is a distinction without a difference. Or did you not know that enslaved sex workers are also bought and sold?

I’m cringing at all the “I know it can’t him, because he’s so nice!” or “He just never struck me as a predator!” comments.

The wild speculation happening in the comments section here is making me profoundly uncomfortable. This is an abhorrent thing that has harmed we can’t even guess how many children and it’s basically gossip fodder. I’m uncomfortable for the people being named who have no connection to this other than that it would be

First, this is awful if it’s true. Second, I feel like it’s icky Radar is publishing this like it’s another tee-hee blind item that’s about as important as Ben Affleck cheating on Jennifer Garner.

My only hope is that they’ve alerted the authorities who can dig into it, and were told not to discuss names until charges were filed. But that seems likely.

They’re all dressed like eccentric older ladies that collect art.

Sure thing, my criticism is with their complaints about being misunderstood or criticized in their genre. Like actually complaining and woe is me-ing about it. I have no clue how their popularity should be handled, I also am not the music police, so who can make it and what they use to express them selves is not in my

There once was a girl from Nantucket
with talent as deep as a bucket.
She tried to “sound black”
and wrote songs like a hack
so they gave her a Grammy when they should have said “Fuck it.”

Now playing

I remember when the song “Never Gonna Give You Up” came out. Everyone who heard it on the radio assumed he was black. Then we saw the video.

Do these look the same to you

True story - my mom and grandma have curly hair. My grandma had always gotten shit at jobs for her hair. When she finally got a union job, she wore a straight wig for her entire probationary period (a few months?) ad then the day after her probation was up, she wore her real hair to work and they couldn't say a damn

My favorite Effie Brown story:

I am going to miss the Obamas something fierce.