
Exactly! It’s far more powerful for me to be white and talk about race, to show white students that they do have a race, and it’s whiteness, and whether or not we talk about it, it functions in the world in ways you cannot see. Even in my intro comp classes, we talk about intersectionality beginning on day one & at

Please keep going, so I can keep starring.

Ima just continue my little rant because, yup, still fucking pissed.

I agree with your statement, but I kind of agree with the mom as well. As a black woman, who has, for example, experienced some racial discrimination in the workplace, white co-workers who were my allies vouched for my allegations and things were often resolved because of their input. In other words, their vouching

So I’m a white woman. I’m a lit scholar, and while I don’t focus exclusively on African-American or black lit, I do study race & ethnicity in early American fiction. I understand the complicated feelings that come with being a white person dedicated to doing this kind of work. But holy shit, I cannot fathom ever doing

It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.

I have black family members who look just like this woman, down to their freckles, and green and blue eyes, though their hair is darker. I wouldn’t have questioned her blackness.

I couldn’t help myself but remember the ending of “White Chicks”, and the reaction of LaTrell when he finds the white girl whe like was actually a... Black.

I don’t know if you’re black or not, but as a reminder: I am.

The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.

Whew. The insanity is strong with this story but I got a bit carried away.

“Hey, you’re black, right?”

Igloo Australia is on notice.

FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS. My husband refuses to believe they existed!

i imagine she’ll just stare at us until we know what we did

I need this too. Can she help me fix my life first? It needs fixin’.

The problem is youths.

i need kara to have a talk show where she tells internet people to fix their life