ultra violet radiation isn't strong under the sea but maybe hysics is different in the disney universe :/ lol they can talk underwater so arguing anything scientific about a cartoon is laughable
For that matter, why aren’t they upset that the story ends happily? That’s an even bigger departure from the source material than the singing.
I literally just dismissed one. There’s no end to their mewling about “but what about the source material?!?1" The source material didn’t have singing crustaceans or musical numbers in it, but I don’t see these lame fucks complaining about that 🙄 They need to just admit that they’re mad that a Black woman got a great…
This is fire! I am so tired of hair that is dry like straw or so shiny it is unbeweavable. I will definitely be placing an order.
Actually, the family has specifically asked that photos not be used to respect their privacy, asshole. See the Go Fund Me linked in the article for more.
All I’m going to say is from the jump, I was side eyeing the people who were taking the word of the Chicago PD, of all the fucking PD’s.
“Gene Belcher is annoying. He’s loud, self-obsessed, and not especially bright.”
Seales went on to accuse Rolle of opening his hotel room door, unclothed, for a date with an unnamed woman. As a man, I am not in the position to judge whether Rolle’s action might be a forward-but-stupid choice or an example of sexual harassment
So I read the article and watched the video. I think Seale’s method and her language was immature; but well intended. The next step would be for the 9 women to come forward and give their testimony to file actual charges.
I am glad that (specifically) you have asked us to examine the way “we” are addressing and “making” claims about sexually predatory behavior. Now please allow me to “unpack” some shit:
“What Seales did could possibly diminish how some people respond to victims of sexual assault, it could result in fewer people who believe women and ultimately, it could even kill people.”
Unless you are in Montgomery County, where the liquor stores are all still county-owned because, even after Prohibition ended, MoCo still wanted to keep its Blue laws.
I’m from Maryland thus why I wrote ‘a free state’ not the state motto. To paraphrase Madison or perhaps Washington - it’s a strange state.
Yup. I had to correct someone on the WaPo who incorrectly stated Maryland was a free state. Frederick Douglass would say otherwise.
Just a reminder that, yes, Maryland is the South, being south of the Mason-Dixon Line. And no, I'm not one whit surprised that someone from Harford County would employ racial slurs, especially when talking about PG.
Thank you! Between that and “begro” (which to be fair might be a typo) I was so confused.
Malice in intent does not matter: many people who tell racist, sexist and LBGQT-phobic jokes don’t mean to hurt anyone. How many times have you heard, “Hey, it was just a joke”? The daycare provider here prioritized getting a laugh over a child’s obvious distress - and should be fired for breach of privacy AND child…
I admittedly laughed at the video and thought it was funny. That being said, I didn’t think about the waivers that parents sign saying that their child will not be photographed without consent (I’ve had to sign it for my toddler as well). The family has a strong case if it does get litigious. I’m sure it wasn’t meant…