Why are these perfect NPOCP’s never anywhere near me... well nearly perfect. If it had been a blue two door I might have had to start planning a cross country trip.
Excellent deal on that power strip! I have been wanting to grab a couple of USB power strips anyway and at this price there was no way I could pass them up.
Excellent deal on that power strip! I have been wanting to grab a couple of USB power strips anyway and at this price…
I have always been mocked as being the Tetris master whenever we travel or anything needs to be packed away. But, nobody’s laughing when I get a weeks worth of camping gear for 4 people in the trunk of a Civic. Unfortunately I rarely take pictures but here are some shots from when we were moving the contents of our…
I don’t disagree that “Big Block” engines probably aren’t ever coming back with the evolution of more compact power dense modern engines. However, I just wanted to point out that GM was still putting Vortec 8100 engines in trucks up until sometime around 2009. Which were 496cc engines that were an evolution of the old…
Nailed it, absolutely nailed it. That’s exactly what it should have been. Torch’s version was just a little too much, but this is pretty much perfect. Your version actually looks like a CUV now, not a fat model 3, but still manages to keep most of the aerodynamic profile.
You are the man. You have me genuinely excited about this. I have watched some of the Wallops Island rocket launches in the past, but honestly I never thought to try and photograph them. I am definitely going to have to try and start scouting out some locations to shoot the next one now. Unfortunately, my neighborhood…
Thank you, this is a very cool site. I will have to see what I can find nearby. But given the fact that according to this map I live inside of a large light gray dot doesn’t give me a lot of hope, and only reinforces my concern.
Trust me I have been trying to get out and shoot a lot more lately. Unfortunately with a full time job and three kids I don’t have much free time, and there’s just not a lot of interesting spots locally for me to shoot.
I am a bit of a hobbyist photographer and I have a lot of respect for how much effort and planning must have gone into getting this one photo, and the result is just glorious.
That’s incredible. Beautifully done!