
Because Vader is just some hired goon. I think it's interesting to go back and watch the first movies and realize that Vader is kind of a joke. He's scary, and he's important to Luke, but he's mostly just the Emperor's bodyguard.

How awesome would Darth Maul's dual lightsaber have been if they kept it a secret until the premiere? I mean, sure, it's ridiculous, but when it came up in the trailer, it was like, 'OH SHIT, SON!'

My wife and I pretty much came to a mutual understanding about getting married on our own, We should probably get married, Yeah, we'll have to wait a bit, but that seems like a good idea. But she pointed out that her dad would appreciate it if ask his permission. I kind of said, okay whatever. I did it, with her in

His 'why ya gotta be so rude' is the kicker for me. It's just so whiney and weird. Not, 'Well sir, I'm sorry you feel that way, but we're very much in love,' insted, 'But… ughhh… Maaaan! You're mean!'

Pfft. Hedonism Bot is Ted Cruz.

Featuring James Franco and Jonah Hill.

Why does the kid have a head on his head?

'Obviously he's trying to fire up his Hegelian and Schopenhaurian base! He's raising serious concerns about Hillary's naive and largely anachronistic approach to ethics!'

He said Kant, people!

How about a Bryan Ferry smell?

I think what's amazing about II is, the first shot we see Anakin and Obi-Wan, they're joshing about some mission they were on, and we're supposed to find them so chummy, but they just have no chemistry and I just cannot believe they can even stand being in the same room together. That scene sucks the life out of what

That's what I don't get about the 'Ring Theory,' it doesn't matter how complex the underlying theory of a work is if the finished project seems incoherent. I don't care if Lucas was trying to emulate a Sestina in his narrative, or if all of the dialogue in the entire series turns out to be one huge palindrome. It's

Exactly. The problem with the CGI isn't that it was created in a computer, it's that it looks like shit. The problem with modern middling action sequences isn't an over reliance on CGI, it's that they're badly staged. I don't give a shit if you did it with miniatures, full scale models, or a Video Toaster, if it looks

The Joe Satriani paradox.

It was like an Andy Rooney rant by far more detailed.

It made me uncomfortable too, but that's because I was watching it at work.

The joke's on you.

I'm straight and got my English degree over ten years ago and I thought it was fucking terrible. Maybe the curriculum has changed since then.

It's just a slowed down Judy is a Dick Slap.

I would just like to point everyone's attention to Charles Barabe's Insultes (hommage à John Cage), a 13 minute track consisting primarily of ambient droning and a synthesized voice awkwardly reading the negative comments from a YouTube clip of a performance of 4'33". It's pretty hilarious/amazing.