
One of the things I noticed after a somewhat recent rewatch is how everyone has a big dramatic monologue moment in this, and every monologue is a giant blithering mess. People complain about the lack of coincidence stitching the movie together, but that’s the whole point for me. Coincidence like that only happens in

I just want to mention a couple things, The actresses and director in this are part of El Pampero Cine, a sort of collective of Argentinian filmmakers who have put out some absolutely brilliant stuff. A year or so ago Mubi had a spotlight on them, and I thoroughly enjoyed every film that they put out. I really can’t

It sounds like a corelary to, 'don't bring a knife to a gun fight,' is, 'also, don't bring a knife to a knife fight. Just stay home in both situations.'

I have to say, that square mountain range always kind of bugged me too.

You're thinking of a cartographer.

What the fuck are all these blue books doing in this comment section?

Where would the Gilmore Stuff go then?

It's not. Dogs is way down at 32, which is insane, but Echoes is at 6, which is pretty respectable for such a stupid, vapid list.

I hope that's how they address it in the show at some point. "God, I wish Barb was here. I wonder where she is." "In hell where she belongs!" "My god, you're right, she was a terrible person."

If they got that far, all of those quarters would be gone.

I was shocked that this had not been mentioned.

"Can I get your number?
Can I get you into bed?
When we wake up in the morning
Will you give me lots of head?"

Better than this season of Undercover.

Oh ew.

Wait… I didn't hear that. I heard that he would regularly go in the back of his beauty pageants while the women were dressing and undressing (which, I am emphatically NOT excusing), but Miss Universe contestants are all over 18. I haven't heard anything other than that, though there's plenty of times where he's said

Trump, by adding a superlative to his litotes, fucks the whole thing up. He can't get anything right.

Claudius would be a more appropriate Trump.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families."

I really hope Gilbert Gottfried overdubs this.

The unnerving awkwardness of it reminds me of The For Carnation (which is a great band). I just don't know what the hell it means and it pisses me off.