
This movie's trailer was the craziest thing I ever saw. I saw it several times and, after th first, I only slowly realized that it was the movie where the super smart kid decides to kill a child molester, or rather, to make his mom do it? The trailers were not subtle about him probably dying, but I have no idea how

Unless you're using Camus' Caligula.

King Lear minus the audience's sympathy.

That might be true, but it has a stupid origin story.

I hate Alt-J because they were originally referred to as ∆, but decided that they wanted to be pronounced alt-J (and apparently are just now called alt-J). The reason presented was that alt-J is how you type ∆ on a Macintosh keyboard layout. That's insane to me, though because ∆ already has a pronunciation, of course.

You're weird.

You should build a golf course, obviously you've cut down on drag.

So you just suck at communicating your thoughts? Because it sure doesn't look like you're making much dialectic progress here.

Jesus Christ, do you expect people to write a goddamn essay every time they complain about a specific situation? We're complaining on a comment section, not writing our dissertation. Trump sucks, he's doing damage. End of comment. You don't need to prove how smart you are by pretending that we're all writing in a

Wow, you're making a lot of assumptions here.

The cool ones.

I remember buying Superunknown from a used CD place and never listening to it before just throwing it out. I was never really a fan of a detractor. Nevertheless, he was certainly a legend of the 90s music scene, and had plenty of huge devoted fans. It's shocking, to be sure. Way too young.

I mean, you can get the entirety of Burzum's music on iTunes.

On the other hand, you can still buy their entire discography on the band's bandcamp, which this article doesn't mention because bandcamp is still an oddly under the radar thing apparently.

I just bought Dead Cells, which is sorry of like Rogue Legacy, but not nearly as cartoony, but potentially more ridiculous. It's great, beautiful, and highly recommended.

Thanks. I choked on my coffee and now I'm dead.

One of the best quips on the fair use doctrine is that it's "your right to be sued". It covers a lot of ground, but you're going to have to prove it in court, for the most part.

Not necessarily. One of the tests is if it comments on the work, either a critique, or parody. But a critique or parody of the work being appropriated, not just any old thing. It would be hard to make the case that the use of Pepe is saying that the original content was alt-right. But in any case, it jusy becomes

That's not exactly how fair use works.

The answer is kind of both. Emojis are like any other letter in theory, because they're represented by different code points in Unicode, but just like you would copyright a particular font, and therefore a particular graphical representation of 'a', you would also do so with the 'font' of your emojis. Which is why 💩