
But it still loses the nesting if you have to load more comments in the comment chain...

Kinja: Much less fun.

According to the creators, Janet is just sort of part of the architecture of a neighborhood, either good or bad. Whenever the build a neighborhood, a Janet just pops into existence.

I also questioned the existence of so much fro-yo. But I justified it to myself that Michael kept stating the neighborhood was perfectly calibrated for this specific group of four hundred or so people. The population as a whole was supposed to get along harmoniously and want approximately the same thing. This

Throughout season one they regularly mentioned that Eleanor had a thing for mailmen.

They have a really, really hard time understanding even more people die in a shoot out than in a shooting.

I think the most vicious bit of satire in this episode is the fact that by joining Citadel society Ricks really do give up their Rickness. Most them are apparently cheap labor that easily could be replaced by a machine, but they toil away at meaningless jobs for, I guess, portal gun fluid.

Battlestar Galactica will forever be remembered as the show that did the Iraq War from the perspective of the Iraqis.

Fun Channing Tatum game: start at the bottom of his IMDB page and scroll up until you hit a movie you unabashedly like.

Part of the show’s endgame/evolution is the fact that in season one all of the characters had toxic co-dependent relationships with each other. At some point they had to break off and mature independently in order to cease being their worst selves around each other. I think there is an argument to be made that the

If animated characters had to be the same race as their voice actors, then Cree Summer would lose a huge chunk of her roles.

Yeah, Kinja seems optimized for trolling and flame wars and completely terrible for community building.

Yeah this system is more or less unusable. They said this would help them control trolling (which really wasn’t much of a problem) but this system is almost perfectly designed only to encurage trolling and flame wars.

Also is there no notification that someone has replied to you?

I am deeply, deeply curious if they will actually go through and approve all the posts pending approval. Because I don’t think they do at any kinja site.

Is there no newest first?

The animals we choose to eat or not eat are pretty randomly assigned and then we get very moralistic about those choices.

Duck requires water, which is why in the US where the great plains offers a lot of land but not much standing water… duck is rarer and more expensive than chicken. In Asia where there is less land, but lots of water duck is far more common.

He didn't gaslight her. He lied to her, mostly lies of omission. And, frankly, if he was using his wife for the cred, he did a spectacularly terrible job of it considering in all these years I didn't even know he was married. This article (among others) have mentioned specific speeches Whedon gave, but none of them

Has anyone ever held Victor Salva up as any kind of role model in any capacity?