
a man in a position of power having affairs with women who work for him

Yeah. I don't particularly remember Buffy or Willow or even Faith being particularly sexualized. The most I can remember is as fashion trended towards crop tops and low waisted pants the show followed the trend.

The next Pokemon game will inevitably be on Switch… so I'll get it then (and then likely rebuy Mario and Zelda games from the '90s and use it for nothing else… Just like my Nintendo DS).

So Rex Reed hated it. It is good to know that Reed is still the lazy, bottom feeding gutter trash of the critical world.

"Dinner With Jar Jar." Padme agrees to meet Jar Jar Binks for dinner and they have a conversation.

Okay, Narrator, I am about to watch Logan Lucky.

They should explore those Jedi civil wars.

We got a new game for our arcade.

Wonder Woman!

If there is a point that GoT/ASoIaF have hammered home… it is that hereditary monarchies are terrible systems of government.

The writers of Venture Bros. have written circles around this episode's parody.

Cleaning fishtanks.

So Agents of Mayhem is not a good videogame. And now I am depressed.

There is a significant chance that is exactly what happened. Trump was so distracted by not condemning Nazis, and then being very upset people criticized him for not condemning Nazis…that he forgot he was in a pissing contest with Kim Jong Un.

Magic Mike is GARBAGE compared to the vastly superior Magic Mike XXL.

Blerg! I have been talkin' video games and you have been no where around!

Nope. He destroyed the miniverse, he threatened to destroy the microverse if they didn't keep giving him power.

I love you Bo Burnham!

While Kevin Conroy will always be Batman to me… He is the one I least mind other people playing that role. More or less everyone else always sounds deeply wrong to me and makes it hard to keep watching.

Ugh, why isn't Batman and Harley Quinn using all the original voices?