
I have pretty much always assumed that calling it “red pilling” was a tacit admission that everything they believe is bullshit. If any of their ideas were true, they wouldn’t need to co-opt an entirely fictious narrative.

One thing I appreciated about this episode was that everyone treated Rebecca lashing out as simply her being upset. On any other show this would be the start of a five episode arc of irreconcilable differences. Instead everyone just acknowledged that even if what Rebecca said was hurtful she was still their friend and

Daryl is at a point in his life where having another child makes sense. He’s older, he’s established, his life is secure. WhiJo just happens to be the person he is with.

They live in California. If he could go legit, he could make a lot money running a dispensary.

I have been watching the Scream movies the last three days, and they were totally using sound effects from them all episode.

If Tom Cruise’s romantic leads can consistently be in their 20s, then let’s not make simple gay male sexuality predatory because there is an age gap. At least CXG has acknowledged there is an age gap, unlike every Hollywood movie ever.

Josh immediately abandoned any attempt at boundaries he ever set with Rebecca. Josh went to Rebecca whenever he needed something (like help on his job application). He even admitted to Father Brah that he had feelings for Rebecca and wasn’t really committed to Valencia. He wouldn’t allow Greg to invite Heather on

Book if Henry is only the second worst movie of the year, after the pile of human feces that was Baywatch.

One of my favorite line readings in the entire show is in the episode where Rebecca takes care of Paula’s son and WhiJo says, “Rebecca... And small child who shouldn’t be in a place like this.”

Tim was the guy from Canada who was mean to Paula way back in season one.

I hope the show hasn’t completely abandoned scorned Rebecca. The idea of Rebecca, Valencia, and Paula cooking up nefarious schemes is way, way too good to have dispensed with it by just episode two (and only on pointlessly bad revenge schemes). My hope is that throughout the season Rebecca just does little things to

Hoo-boy, and Rebecca isn’t even in the car with Josh right now to gaslight him.

Twice. But it really does come off as two straight men pretending to be gay. You can’t exactly feel the lust between those characters.

I will say that in that white dress Rebecca was certainly putting herself first in a sexy way.

And not a good French accent.

Best lyric in “Let’s Generalize About Men” was Rebecca saying “And why do men never listen and only think about themselves as opposed to women who always listen and never think about themselves.”

One great thing about this episode is that Rebecca finally got her wish from all of last season: Paula is completely integrated into her girl group. In typical Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fashion Rebecca gets what she wanted, but she no longer even remembers that was what she wanted.

Fingers crossed for an American Gods type scene.

“And If everybody knew, I don’t believe that all the investigative reporters in the entertainment and the hard news media would have neglected for decades to write about it.”

Vicki was the only one who did any character prep work or practiced improv.