
Well it certainly has passionate fans.

They got the entire cast in one location and then ended with "SEE YA NEXT SEASON!"

Remember that the Gods of the show are limited to existing only in America, and only begin existing when someone brings them there (or creates them). The only one who has been shown to travel beyond the country's borders is Bilquis.

There are plenty of packets of Islamic, and pre-Islamic mythology in the United States. However it is not well something with really any cultural cachet.

Hmmmm, the season finale of American Gods just kind of ends…

Something like that already exists.

I like how Mad Sweeny hates the other two and they hate him right back. And the degree to which Laura and Salim like each other seems to change based on how unpleasant Laura is being.

Yeah, it's trying way, way too hard. From the guys showing up in the beginning to shoot Jesus to the townspeople wearing pseudo-Nazi outfits, to the talking about shooting up a theater… well it is ridiculous.

I'm currently watching episode 6. It is a deeply amusing take on Americans' love of fire arms. If it was any less subtle it would end with a shooting star and "The more you know."

Watchin' Kingdom and Animal Kingdom.

Remember when Chris Evans was in Not Another Teen Movie?

We committed what is known in Florida as a good murder.

How great was Kate McKinnon?

Who wore it better? Who wore it equally!

He uses puppets and CGI.

I enjoyed "Rough Night" quite quite a bit. Kate McKinnon is reliably amazing. Scarlett Johansson is great in a role that is wildly different than anything I've seen her do before.

Is the talent show better or worse than the one in Wet Hot American Summer?

I really, really, really want to see Book of Henry. Instead I think I will see a double feature of Rough Night and 47 Meters Down.

They're basically just a morality play for children using space wizards. While Luc Besson or Paul Verhoeven would make fascinating Star Wars movie… for the most part you just need a good screen writer and a director capable of triumphalistic filmmaking.

If anything Star Wars requires an anti-auteur.Remember the best Star Wars movies are the ones that weren't made by an auteur.