
Yes. The third movie will be Mothra Eats Garfield.

King Kong vs. The Smurfs

I remember when the alt-right was attempting to spread that rumor about Clinton… despite the fact that it was in direct contradiction with everything ever said with her.

I enjoyed Rogue One, but man… that ending…

And there goes the glorious science-fiction city of Attilan ruled by an oppressive caste system.

…the Earth's pollution literally kills them, even in Hawaii.

It might be either. But at least you asked someone out!

I've actually always loved MadTV. I reference it a surprising amount.

I'm reading those books!

Your face is Rogue One!

Really Original Sin? That's your ending? I'm as disappointed as I was at the ending of Identity Crisis.

Well that's weird because the book is many things, but fairly straightforward isn't one of them.

So now Dick is posing as a gay French Olympic gymnast. They better follow up on this.

In the book in the '80s section of the story, a gay bashing starts off the new cycle of violence. And all the characters involved in it are really homophobic (and the victim is an over-the-top stereotype), but they still don't think gay people should be murdered.

This sounds nothing like the book.

Is it kind of homophobic while also being against homophobia?

Is there a cosmic turtle, terrifying orange lights, and an orgy?

Maybe being employed has improved my mood and I am willing to overlook flaws.