
Can I just say I thought they were drawing Dick sexy…. and then Agent 1 showed up…

I really enjoy it. But it is pretty over the top, but often in a fun campy way.

I found Power Rangers surprisingly fun.

I'm so excited for the new season of Animal Kingdom. Speaking of which, the new season of Kingdom is also starting soon. Good stuff.

Big Little Lies was really great and everyone here should watch it.

Movies: I saw Ghost in the Shell and Kong: Skull Island in theaters. And much like @avclub-669e3876ba6dab37e11e5237f2c8017e:disqus I watched Star Trek Beyond. It was really great, and it was nice that the film had some original villains instead of trying to remake classic ones.

It's worth a shot! I really enjoyed it.

I like they came up with an excuse to have a '90s rap soundtrack,

Hey scuzzballs!

I’ve got a theory, it could be bunnies!
Bunnies aren’t just cute like everyone supposes.
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses,
and what’s with all the carrots!?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway!?
Bunnies, bunnies,
it must be bunnies!!

I'm enjoying The Good Fight.

But Marvel hates the FF and the X-Men so we are stuck in a shitty world with both teams marginalized.

The very concept of not having a Fantastic Four comic pissed me off.

I was annoyed at Reed and Sue's ending and the general shitting on the Fantastic Four.

Hey-oh! I finished Secret Wars!

Secret Wars: Future Imperfect fills me with joy. Peter David writing Ruby Summers and Layla Miller? Thank you Marvel. Thank you so much!

So… did you some how not pay attention to the entire show for every single episode up til this point? The fact that the entire show is premised around a corporation thinking it is "fuck you" powerful enough to kill hundreds of thousands of people in the hopes of making a profitable weapon? The fact that the first

The X-Men movies are dark and personal and based on tragedy and always about the conflict between an idealistic view of humanity and a grim view of it. By its very definition there can't be any triumphalism, and the closest thing to cocky arrogance is Wolverine being "the best there is at what I do" while still

Mostly because too few people realize Thor: The Dark World is a Loki movie, and it purposefully takes Loki on the same journey that Thor goes on in Thor. The whole point is to show no matter how much of an opportunity to do the right thing Loki is given, he's too weak. Once Loki's story is finished in the movie,

"Democrats" didn't vote for Clinton at the same rate as Obama because the election was a referendum on race in America, speeding up the filtering process of white voters moving to the Republican Party. Clinton beat Obama's numbers plenty of places, notably plenty of red states. In Texas, Obama got 41% in 2010, Clinton