
This… doesn't actually make sense. Please refile this through your internal server and then resubmit it as ineligible.

I think it is better binge watched. Season one, before I read the books, I had problems following all the different plot threads until I just sat and watched every episode in a row.

They tried to show Belters as the books depicted in season one… and it didn't really work and clearly they could not even find more than a handful of actors to fit the book's description. I'm okay with the conceit of everyone just took drugs to look like Earthlings.

I think Bobbie's walk through, what seemed like an open air barter market, was a little too squalid considering that Avasarala made a big point last episode talking about how the Earth government provides for the basic needs of all its citizens.

The biggest flaw people in conspiracies have is that they prioritize secrecy above their own interests. Mao's conspiracy is falling apart on multiple levels. Even if they don't know what, exactly, the Roci is up to… they know Fred Johnson had access to their scientists, they know Avasarala's primary concern is going

Remember how everyone talked about how it was backlash against "elites" that fueled Trump's victory? Because voting for a Manhattan billionaire with his name on who knows how many buildings who then staffs his entire cabinet with his rich friends is really showing it to the elites and breaking up their nepotistic

Well… the real failure was that the FBI decided to swing the election to Donald's favor. Had that not happened, Clinton's victory would have likely been larger than Obama's 2nd term, as opposed to losing just enough of the white vote in key states to cost her victory.

Well… considering 8chan's self admitted existence depends upon pictures of girls that, at best, come right up to the child pornography laws… yeah, they should be fucking terrified of anything that puts any hole in internet privacy.

What about Alden Ehrenreich and Taron Egerton?

Who is excited for the movie where Ansel Elgort drives around listening to music?

Can the fastest man alive save Neo Tokyo from telepathic gorillas?

Why not both?

It is as bad as racism.

Who might be a Predator!

Oh, I saw the trailor for Fast and Furious 8. Apparently this time the gang is taking on the terror of the self-driving car.

Only if it has Shatterstar and Ricter.

I'm watching a movie staring Tilda Swinton, Jonathan Tucker, the guy from Timeless and the guy from the TV version of The Firm.

No. Because Ryan Reynolds rolled "pilot" while Jake Gyllenhal rolled "doctor."

'Sup snitches. I saw Logan. Good movie. Some plot points were left hanging. Nice emotional closure.

I saw Life. Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal fight an alien. Pretty good movie. Ending is a little meh.