
What's your favorite Michael Fassbender movie?

Have you ever needed Patrick to tell you you are okay?

What's the worst post-Buffy the Vampire Slayer project you have seen any of the former cast members in?

What's the worst movie you saw in the last six months?

How often do you fall asleep in a sun beam?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

What WB shows are you watching?

I'm very excited to see Starz's American Gods.

If it wasn't for the fact that we all know Donald Trump is a clueless idiot, I would wonder why he decided to chain his horse to the exact opposite of his campaign promises.


And your response is also typical of defensive pushback, as well. You are defending and pushing back about the idea that not finding the argument the verbiage of the show is an important oversight, "nitpicking." And you claimed the show, this is a series that strives to get the science as "right" as possible within

She was the one who stuck around on Earth when it looked increasingly likely it was going to be hit by a massive rock covered in alien goo.

And the dodge that "it's a fictional Martian culture and maybe they're different" is just the same handwavium rationalization the show otherwise eschews.

Once the specific context of a word is lost it either gets forgotten and/or becomes archaic or it survives in a pretty generalized form. It shouldn't really surprise anyone technical language rumbles around the culture becoming something fairly generalized all the time. Kleenex and Velcro are specific brands, and

What is the difference between it and the previous 16?

I doubt Survivor is going to ever top the gameplay on Heroes vs. Villains. And it really has been more disappointing than not lately.

That .gif is amazing and useful at least three times per episode of The Flash.

Way to just stand around doing nothing, Barry.

I hate you, Survivor.

He… has to. It is a law, after all.