
You've got to admire someone who willing to do the stupidest possible thing in order to distract from his failures.

So Donald Trump drove a truck around while the Republican healthcare bill died…

Well, that might actually be more accurate. Iceland's economy has (with the exception of the great recession) become too efficient for its population. And so they work fewer hours, and engage in leisure and artistic activities. However they also are one of the few European countries with above replacement level

Earth's economy is too efficient, basically. As mentioned in the episode the majority of people don't work because there are just not enough jobs to go around. This is already becoming a problem in the modern world, it will only get worse as technical innovation keeps replacing workers. Ford is planning on releasing a

Mars wouldn't have an army. It is a single planetary nation. At best it would have the equivalent of a national guard to deal with domestic disturbances. Mars also wouldn't have an air force, nor would it have sailors. Mars, as depicted in the show, clearly doesn't have enough of an atmosphere to make an air force

Well conforming to broadcast standards. But I think the swearing serves a different purpose here. Avasarala's profanity is scalpel sharp on the show, it is unexpected and throws everyone around her off their game. If the Martians were going to try to keep Bobbie out of the loop…well they were all too surprised at

Avasarala always looks amazing. In the book they make a point of how her clothes are always bright and colorful and beautiful compared to… well everything else. And the show is translating that perfectly.

Most undoubtedly, while still not considering Mars doesn't even have an environment to pollute. Mars might be hyper vigilant about recycling things like paper… but anything that can be mined from the planet itself eventually going to be sitting in a landfill outside their Martian domes.

Avasarala is the most intelligent, most cunning person on the show. And basically the only goddamn person in the entire solar system who actually has her eye on the massive extinction level even going on on Venus. Earth and Mars are too busy jockying for power between them (and making illicit deals for the

Some people consider her to be the Ashley Tisdale of traffic reporting.

Hmmm… methinks they did not understand young Emma the Bard.

If you go back to pre-1994 Cable… it is crazy weird to read.

The AP just broke that Paul Manafort was hired by a Russian billionaire in 2005 to influence the US, Europe, and former Soviet republics to advance Putin's interests.

Doesn't Dan Stevens show up bare-add naked in everything?

I'm excited for a not too distant future, somewhere in time and space…

Watching Ouija before it wasn't a good idea. Origin of Evil is a much better movie and going into it without any knowledge of the orgional would be supremely more interesting.

Ouija: Origin of Evil surprisingly excellent movie.

I Love Lucy, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Arrested Development, News Radio, 30 Rock

This certainly is an upsetting number of pancakes.

Remember that time Kathy Bates won an Emmy for playing the ghost of Charlie Sheen's character on Two and a Half Men?