


I can't go any faster, I'd have to drop the waxing compound!

My favorite detail of that movie is that the spaceship is made out of bricks.

Have you watch "Space Mutiny?"

Hey-oh! I just got hired to manage a movie theater. Fringe benefit! Free tickets! I'll get to see all the movies I want to… and all the movies that look mediocre or stupid… for free! Suck it, Trebeck!

Three and a half stars. It's not as good as the American version… but it is delightfully unhinged.

I watched Review with Myles Barlow which was okay, I watched some Iron Fist also okay.

Marvel's problem is that martial arts and mysticism are baked into the very premises of these shows. Daredevil and Iron Fist are both inseparable from both concepts (while Luke Cage and Jessica Jones are more or less defined by their respective races). And, expanding outward to the rest of Marvel, the other major

I watched the first season of Review With Myles Barlow the show Review With Forrest McNeal is based on.

I'm dreading my life falling apart. If it does I'll probably rewatch the entirety of 30 Rock.

Obviously, you two need to open a bar.

The survey is so annoying. It asks you to list your favorite TV shows of all time and then give the mediocre rating to "as good as these shows." Why no, as much as I loved this episode, I didn't think it was much better than the entire run of Angel. Midge is a fun character who went on a lovely emotional arc in one

I'm up to episode 4 of Iron Fist and it isn't until the final moments we see Danny's tattoo…

I just got to the dojo speech in episode three… I might have to fast forward through it.

That would have been nice. That's what they more or less did in Iron Fist with Colleen Wing, except in Doctor Strange's she wouldn't be a martial artist.

New Zealand was, more or less, the last large piece of Earth not to be settled (depending upon your definition of "large" and "settled"). Both the Polynesians and Vikings had the… benefit… of living on landmasses that were harsh and could easily drive them away. In the Viking case it was harsh weather and rocky soil

If you are complaining about Asian characters being portrayed as MYSTICAL at the exact same time you are complaining about Asian characters not being represented in Doctor Strange then you are asking for something completely impossible and it is impossible to take the criticism seriously.

Taking two whole episodes to get around to showing the Iron Fist was way, way too long. And we still haven't seen the dragon tattoo, which is like, Iron Fist's whole thing.