
Book two of The Expanse, Caliban's War, is really, really good. I've been staggering my reading and TV watching (I watch one episode of TV, read one comic, read on chapter of The Expanse, and one chapter of one of the Series of Unfortunate Events books and then start all over again)… but I might just have to finish

The thing was… his trick worked. He actually did exactly what every terrible internet pick up artist advised, and it worked perfectly. He insulted her, literally by claiming she wasn't good in bed, and she immediately slept with him.

Two episodes ago. The one where a guy negs Margo into sleeping with him.

Whenever someone mentions The Magicians on twitter it makes me re-realize just what an abortion of an episode "The Cock Barrens" was and how it shat all over the show.

Everything about Darla was great on Angel! I loves me some Darla. Sadly she got replaced by the most hella lame character in Buffydom.

The first season is rocky, season two though is amaze-balls.

I was never particularly enamored of Spike until Angel season five. Now my favorite episodes in the whole Buffyverse are the Darla-Drusilla episodes of season two of Angel.

You are terrible people and should feel terrible about yourselves.

Why is this something less than surprising?

HBO is lucky Westworld wound up being popular.

In the book they initially think the cam footage is destroyed, but discover it is just a computer processing error. I'm not entirely sure, but I feel like whoever was controlling the Anomaly intended for all the footage to be destroyed, but since Bobbie was using outdated equipment missed it. That said, Avasarala has

It's interesting because Draper and Avasarala are very similar characters. Avasarala, with the exception of her sojourn to see Holden's mother, has spent the entire series so far dealing with men who are no where near her level of intelligence or subterfuge, and most of the time are motivated by base greed.

I'm excited! This past week I read the first book and got through the fist 1/4th of book two. It's interesting where the show matches and where it diverges from the plot of the books.

They spent seven years arguing that Obamacare covered too few people, with too high premiums, and offered too stingy of care. When their actual objections to it was that it covered too many people, with too low premiums, and offered too comprehensive of care.

After you are finished catching up on CLASSIC Adam Warlock, you should read Inhumans vol. 2.

You know, I haven't been this upset since my good friend Taylor was rudely upstaged by my other friend, Kanye, who was defending my best friend, Beyoncé.

We haven't seen any indication that she's written anything that wasn't true. Therefore no "spin."

It was good, interestingly, the TV show is actually better than the novel.

Hey-oh! I have just finished reading the first of The Expanse novels, Leviathan Wakes.

Matt Bomer for captain!