
He really is the worst.

Did Crisis on the Infinite Earths happen in between season one and season two? Because a lot of people just vanished and suddenly there are enough aliens living on Earth out in the open to be basically their own ethnic group…

In the first season there was a span of an episode or two where, for whatever reason (I think Bizzaro), the city turned against Supergirl. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that if that happened again, Kara would just write spin to make herself look good?

Considering that Kara is essentially writing spin pieces about herself and presenting them as reporting, journalistic ethics have no place on the show.

Wait… when was the last time Lois's sister showed up?

I enjoyed the discussion of Dune way too much…

CatCo was mostly grounded in Cat's relationship with Kara. And without Calista, the show has struggled to find a relationship to replace her (notice how Snapper is basically just Cat, except less well executed). If CatCo is going to stick around, then it needs to find a way to enfold itself into the show the way it

He's also a better romantic fit. Mon-El being a lazy party boy who wants to be better because of his feelings for Kara is a better romantic arc than… James looks good with his shirt off, I guess?

I'd watch a spin-off about Mon-El the alien bartender.

This is pretty accurate. It doesn't help that Mon-El is better written than James ever was. Mon-El has a personality and an actual character arc, both things James never managed to achieve.

CatCo ceased having a point once Calista Flockhart left. They should have just dropped it entirely and switched to the DEO all the time. Which… they kinda did given how prominent it has become.

It's amusing how earnestly anti-Trump Supergirl is.

It's amusing how earnestly anti-Trump Supergirl is.

Interesting to know the Medium Place does exist, and they actually had broken out of hell.

Hey-oh! Michael Schur gave an interview about The Good Place:

The second season functions as a nearly perfect movie. It has three acts (each taking up roughly the same number of episode). The first being Greg leaving, then Rebecca and Paula, and finally Rebecca and Josh's wedding.

But liking sex with a woman occasionally doesn't necessarily make someone bisexual.

Book Eliot never expressed any interest in women. And up until the last few episodes (or possibly just this episode) TV Eliot never expressed any interest in women, either.

This French film I am watching is doing an extended mocking of Twilight.

There are non-porn related communities?