
In video gaming news, I have completed "Remember Me" and am starting "Lego The Lord of the Rings."

He actually does say it is something he likes.

And he literally calls it something he likes.

I am reasonably certain that the initial editor was trolling… but someone needs to explain that authorial statements are no canon, only text.

There was a debate about Garfield's gender?


Eliot is a fantasy character thrown into a weird situation, the show doesn't "claim" he is a role model for gay or bisexual men.

Nope. It's monogamy. His problem, as he directly stated, is not that he's not sexually attracted to her, it's that he's stuck with her. In fact, he even goes out of the way to talk about how much he likes her personality… so he's married to someone he's sexually attracted to and likes as a person, therefore the

Yep. The structure here is really great. Because immediately after something as huge as last episode, you want an episode that's more slowed down and character focused. Where as, if we hadn't seen the show in a year, it would be pretty lethargic.

Again, I haven't read the books, but my understanding was that the only two POV characters in the first book were Holden and Miller. Including Avasarala last season not only gave some good insight into both the UN government and the conspiracy, but also included another major female character in a pretty

I haven't read the books, but I know the first season didn't end where the first book ended, but rather where last episode ended. Which is actually kind of ingenious because it shifts all the post-climax table setting to the middle of the season, rather than the season opener. So we can have a fun episode updating us

Well I like that every character has their own independent agenda. Amos just wants to protect the crew. Alex might not necessarily want to tip the balance of power to Mars, but he certainly doesn't trust Earth. Holden wants to save the solar system. Naomi wants weapons for the belt. Fred Johnson wants independence on

Bobbie comes off as someone itching to go to war. As far as we know there hasn't ever been a war between Earth and Mars (and if there was, it was long, long ago). So it makes sense that a marine who has never actually known combat, but trained for it all her life, would want to rush headlong into conflict.

Well her introduction was her hardcore torturing a suspected terrorist. Avasarala is the last person in the show you want to piss off because she's a consummate politician who knows how to be incredibly dirty without anything ever falling back on herself. She has played pretty much everyone she has had contact with.

Well it is moving at a snail's pace (thankfully it is only eight episodes long). And David really, really sucks at both telepathy and telekenisis.

He shot Barry!

It would be nice if we could just not have a villain with a secret identity for a change. Of if we have to make it someone like Cisco or Caitlin, as opposed to "Here's the new member of team Flash and here's the mysterious villain! Who could the villain turn out to be?"

It would be nice, but won't happen. Colin Donnell is on one of those Chicago shows on NBC, now.

I was even seriously wondering whether Curtis’ (soon to be ex-)husband Paul could be our man.