
Well…. this was by far the single worst episode of the entire series. It was bad enough I'm heavily leaning towards dropping the entire show, because it is clearly barrelling towards something I just don't see it ever recovering from.

Welp, I think I am done with The Magicians, they've been piling on questionable and/our outright bad plots all season. But switching Eliot's already terrible plotline about being married from him being gay to him not liking monogamy was just pushing the crap meter beyond its breaking point. And also someone used

Remember when hatred of Putin was a bipartisan issue?

I'm reasonably certain that, just like how he doesn't cease to be a senator while campaigning for Trump, he doesn't cease to be a Trump surrogate when he's speaking to Russians. Did he specifically tell the ambassador, "I'm only here as a senator and not in any capacity as someone affiliated with the Trump campaign?"

They really just need to establish a portal between Fillory and Earth considering how often the characters are going back and forth makes the logistics of a single button between all of them a little silly.

Anywho… the main question is how long the House of Representatives can hold out on actually investigating any of this. Which…. seems to be a very long time, given that Jason Chaffiz wants to investigate Hillary Clinton some more over emails, rather than anything involving the Trump administration.

I like that his excuse for lying under oath about it was that it was in his capacity as senator and not a Trump surrogate that they met.

So much drama on Arrow tonight.

It honestly isn't even that many issues. Strange Tales 178-181, continued in The Power of Warlock 9-15, and then concludes in Marvel Team Up 55, Marvel Two-In-One Annual 2, and Avengers Annual 7 (things get weird there in the end).

If you haven't already, you should read Jim Starlin's classic Adam Warlock stories where he introduces the Church of Universal Truth. They're possibly his best work, and so delightfully trippy and weird.

It would make typing difficult, but there are over 2,000 Egyptian hieroglyphs. I assume on some Earths they'd be a living language, but on most they'd probably be dead (or at least the modern version radically different from the original). And they aren't really alphabetical. So you could probably just assign a

Why does everyone just go along with the naming convention that the main The Flash universe is Earth 1? I feel like most Earths would object to that and you'd pretty quickly get into a situation like Futurama with Earth 1 and Earth A.

That feels like the Church of Universal Truth there at the beginning. If they go that way… I'll be very amused.

You're going to have to eat a cake.


The best episodes are almost always simply sticking the gang in the bar and letting their personalities tear each other apart.

If his teenage daughter is taken… he really should be older. Why is it that TV thinks that thirty-year-olds have teenagers as a matter of routine?

I haven't been able to determine if IASiP's characters are deceptively complex or deceptively simple. Each character has a few basic traits but those traits combine to create a remarkable array of behaviors and characterizations… and they mesh so that every single relationship between the core five characters is

Dennis: “Dee, you gangly, uncoordinated bitch! I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace.”

It's almost impossible to list favorite episodes since there are just so many of them. There are at least 30 I'd consider my favorite. "Mac is a Serial Killer" "Mac Bangs Dennis's Mom" "The Gang Gives Back" "Who Pooped the Bed" "Sweet Dee has a Heart Attack" "The Gang Gives Frank and Intervention" "Who Got Dee