
"I know exactly what I am doing! I'm busting out the anthrax!"

For most of that I didn't get that far into the show. Whenever I stopped watching Regina was mostly evil, but with a soft spot for Henry. I still don't understand why she wanted to relive the exact same day over and over for however many decades. That seems more like a curse on her than on anyone else.

The appealing thing about magic is that it renders hierarchies irrelevant. If someone can remake the world with their mind, then nothing from kings to religion to the wealthy actually actually has any power. Hell, assassination would be ridiculously easy, the most basic spell to move matter could be adapted to

We can't go around encouraging homeless men to smoke PCP in our restrooms!

Oh good lord, someone just told Alex she has a pretty smile and needed to do it more. And it was supposed to be charming.

Yeah. And at least as far as I ever got into the show, it was the sole time they really did invert expectations, and really did comment on the source material they were drawing from. It wasn't as good as Fables, but it was still pretty good.

Well the subtext of this show is that Alice and Julia are leagues better magicians than everyone else, and yet get shat on by the universe for it. Margo, however, has always been strong and authoritarian in her own special way, and isn't particularly punished for it.

Well Powerless is deliberately making light jests at DC comics, while the CW shows are very serious. That said, Legends of Tomorrow had an episode about time traveling to the '70s to convince George Lucas to make Star Wars which included being trapped in a trash compactor.

It should start its new season soon.

And…. Quantico manages to start off season two even more ridiculous than season one. Because somehow Alex is in the middle of a terrorist attack… again. And she and Ryan are training in the CIA now… which also consists of a bunch of fucked up mind games… again.

But, in the end, was it really a west world?

What is your favorite Elizabeth Olsen movie?

The CW has really oddly become a prestige TV channel with stuff like Jane the Virgin and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. But when a show hits, like Smallville or Supernatural or The Vampire Diaries, the CW doesn't let it die. I'm sure eventually they will have to cancel one of their four DC superhero shows (they can barely

I watched the third season of Revenge strictly for Justin Hartley.

Oh hey! iZombie's Robert Buckley is in this episode of Powerless.

"You Stupid Bitch" is still the best song of the year.

I find myself rather disbelieving that blowing up a nuclear weapon in a river somehow magically prevents massive radiation damage.

So Quantico's first season ends with the most obvious suspect being the traitor. I also love that they discovered that person's identity with an almost embaressing ease. It was was so clearly just time to reavel that person's identity. That person managed to pull off a truely rediculous scheme that invovled getting

There are actually 17 timelines, 3 of which are going backwards, and one going sideways.

There are actually 17 timelines, 3 of which are going backwards, and one going sideways.