
He's too busy posing for shirtless photoshoots, pretending to find antique vases while scuba diving, and being the subject of weird Russian pop songs.

See, this is the kind of wackiness that's been missing from our modern authoritarian regimes.

Meh. The Foo Fighters, as presented, aren't exactly idealistic rebels. Their goal is genocidal, as he outright said that they will kill any people from Earth who wind up in Fillory. And, we know from the Beast that people from Earth wind up in Fillory all the time.

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus That sloth is psychotic.

Meh. The Foo Fighters, as presented, aren't exactly idealistic rebels. Their goal is genocidal, as he outright said that they will kill any people from Earth who wind up in Fillory. And, we know from the Beast that people from Earth wind up in Fillory all the time.

Well anyone who has an office that is reasonably private, and a computer that they think is unmonitored… is likely going to be tempted. And yeah, if you aren't happy with your homelife, then there's even more temptation.

They kinda did-ish? They had something going on, as she was his sex buddy on the boat that sank. And then I can't quite remember if they had some romantic moments after she returned… but the show (or rather shows) pretty quickly moved her past bisexual and into complete lesbian. So yeah, whatever they had (I'd have to

There's lots of good stuff in it. Particularly as the robots become more self-aware and conscious.

Has no one informed him we're already top of the pack in that regard?

Dint is also a traitor, purposefully luring them to their deaths for benefit of the Beast. It's left somewhat ambiguous if Fen is also a traitor.

Harmon will play himself, the creator of a new TV comedy set at a community college.

Yep. They should have tried to get Steven DeKnight, since Daredevil had about the exact right emphasis on Charlie Cox's butt as a good Nightwing movie should..

God, I hope it is good. Nightwing is a great character, and Dick Grayson is delightful. And it would be nice to have a character call Batman out on all his shit. Plus it is a chance to do something small and intimate, as opposed to "let's blow up the planet!"

I've yet to encounter alt-righters who aren't enthused about free markets. Some of them so much that they want to replace the government with the structure of a corporation.

Well, in one scene, Ruby and Bow had just come back from shopping together… so even if they hate each other they still will voluntarily spend time with just each other.

They didn't like Glee.


They're just big fans of Ezra Miller.

That would have been an excellent touch. I'm genuinely curious how the Legion of Doom's contracts were written this season. I assume they each appear in a specific number of episodes, which is why they sort of are rotating between them.

It needs to be changed up, the second skit was basically just the first one with slight changes. It still worked (though not as well) because of Melissa McCarthy's manic energy and commitment. But they need to find some other way to utilize the character.