
SNL is in a position where it is hard to top reality. Sort of like when they just started using Sarah Palin's own quotes.

Kid Flash is great, and I enjoy Nick Zano and Steel… but neither of them quite enough to push them over the top.

If you can separate it from The Silence of the Lambs… "Goodbye Horses."

Yeah, dropping a character for too long would likely require renegotiating the contract with the actor, and most actors have at least a five year contract. And the show might never get the actor back if he or she is gone for too long, since the actor might sign on to do other projects.

The first three or four episodes are a mess, but then it improves significantly. Now it is a genuinely great show, albeit one with few noticeable problems. I recommend it pretty frequently now.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was quite good. My hope, however, is that a longer lead time will allow them to actually have a usable script. Neither Batman v. Superman nor Suicide Squad were exactly well directed movies… but their biggest flaws were in the script, which were both rushed, jumbled and incoherent.

It is deeply weird. I was almost shocked that they went there with Julia's plotline (I was surprised they kept Julia's rape).

Actually I did. In my first response. Shall I break it down for you?

Arrow was going to attempt a pair of romantically attached superheroes, but they messed it up. Laurel was introduced in the first few episodes as an ass-kicking attorney who was only a couple of shades away from being Black Canary. But then, for completely inexplicable reasons, they weakened her and then made her an

Mojo is a powerful sorcerer… but he's not telepathic. And the design of the character doesn't resemble Mojo other than being fat and yellow. The Shadow King is also primarily defined by being fat.

There are robots!

They treat each other like crap when the others are around because they're both the lowest people on the tottem pole. So if they can deflect attacks onto each other it means no one is attacking them. If people are attacking Dee, they're not attacking Charlie and vise versa.

You do realize that's actually worse? That makes it base hypocrisy and cynical opportunism considering he's trying to get all the benefits of being a victim, the benefits he made his career attacking, while still trying (and failing) to maintain his victim attacking façade. He suddenly adopted the language of

My 12 favorite Arrowverse characters currently are: Sarah Lance, Oliver Queen, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Kara Zor-El, Mon-El, J'onn J'onzz, Damien Darhk, Diggle, Malcolm Merlyn, Tom Cavanagh in whatever role he is playing, and Thea Queen.

Are the Legends somehow unaware that half of them could defeat an entire medieval army by themselves?

There are a lot of reasons why Syd is a good romantic lead. As you point out David is the one needing rescued, and they've already precluded the fact there needs to be massive secrets between them (a normal tool to create conflict). Instead the conflict is that they can't touch, which is unique in that outside of

I assume Olivia Taylor Dudley's contract means that they can't just dump the character for most of the season.

Well they are both the outsiders of the group whom the others pick on the most. And they tend to bring out the sweetness in each other (as much as they have a sweet side to them). It was earned not only in the episode but (much like Mac being gay) by years and years of characterization.

The best thing about this show is how grounded in horror it is. All those scenes taking place inside David's memories were just straight up haunted house horror. And the horror is heightened by the fact that nothing about David's psyche needs to conform to physical laws, so Syd can run from one twisted thing to the

Yep, and then 30 years later that was the explanation for Onslaught.