
Well, the central problem is that the main purpose of a romantic lead in a superhero setting is to provide conflict.

The central problem is that the CW shows don't simply stop. Had Arrow ended right when Oliver and Felicity got together, we'd probably think it was a wonderful romance. But now we are two to three seasons past that point and the romance became a complete drag on the show.

Xavier would at least be able to detect what seems to be the most wrong thing with David, even if he couldn't magically fix everything else.

He probably just crawled into it. David has had no training so he's pure power without any safeguards. That's…. an attractive target.

To go into potential spoilers based on possibilities offered by the comics… The Yellow Eyed Devil really, really, really seems like the Shadow King, who is a being of pure telepathic power without a physical body. It would be perfectly in his powers to make someone instantly forget his existence after they experienced

Well… in the comics neither Magneto nor Charles are even in their original bodies any more. Magneto created a mutant named Alpha who turned on him and regressed him to infancy (later got aged back, so the Magneto running around is actually somewhere in his 20s or very early 30s). Charles's body got turned into a brood

Well, theoretically there are tons of different powers that could accomplish anything David is doing. Magnetic powers could do it, geological powers could do it, the Scarlet Witch's ability to manipulate unknowable forms of energy could do it, ect. ect. ect.

They are emphasizing some aspects of Legion, while deemphasizing some other aspects… but David Haller is recognizably David Haller. Some elements of his backstory have changed, but the whole show is much more coherent if you know something about the character in the comics.

You know, the weekly double whammy of The Expanse/The Magicians is putting everything else on TV right now to shame. It's like awesome squared.

I would bet $100 that Eliot discovers his wife is a Foo Fighter, rejects her, then she dies heroically saving him. Just like the marriage (in general) and the sex (specifically) might as well have been a giant neon sign saying "SHE'S GOING TO BE PREGNANT!" having her secretly be a member of an enemy faction is

At best between the five of them the most numbers they might have are:

I think we could probably count on one hand the number of times the gang has actually tried to run the bar like a bar, right?

Milo Whogivesashit was always a narcissistic sociopath who was only ever in it for the attention and the money. He was a useful fool because his entire shtick was to normalize bigotry by covering it with the finest possible dusting of humor to pass everything off a a joke. Of course nothing he ever said was a joke, it

I loved, loved, loved Charlie's reaction when Mac said: "He may have suspected it before, but there is no way he could have known for sure, because I show no outward signs of being gay. And that's the end of the story, alright?"

Yeah, they did. I think it was in the "Dee Gets Audited" episode when Frank freaks out that the IRS agent might be looking at the bar.

It's just a business for Frank to launder money through, like Wolf Cola is. Paddy's doesn't have to make any money. It just has to be operational to the level of a passable business if the government ever checks it out.

"So, uh, you're gay? Huh? For pay or for free?"
"For free I guess…"

Dee is weirdly obsessed with rejecting men. Remember when she was sleeping with guys in order to rate them poorly online? The entire Valentine was an attempt to get Charlie to do something nice for her… just so she could reject his attempt at being nice to her. And when he didn't she threatened him with anthrax in

"Write" might be pushing it. He specifically said, "She [Artemis] also transcribed my work into a format you might consider a little bit more legible." To which everyone acknowledge was "words." I'm not sure it is possible to parse the divide between Artemis's contributions and Charlie's to the Nightman Cometh.

Well if it was a bitch off… no she wouldn't. Magic off it depends upon how inconsistently her power levels are being written at the time.