
They also rarely let Dee be triumphant, which also was a delightful side note in this episode.

Which means the normal age for students would be 22 through 25. Remember, with the exception of Alice, no one applies to Brakebills, they're all recruited and they seem to all be roughly the same age, directly out of college.

I don't doubt that he agreed to the marriage entirely because he killed Mike in season one. I am not sure how long ago in show time that was… but in real time it has been a long ass time since that happened and he needs to get over it (Hale Appleman does tortured really well, but he needs to be given fun more often).

It would be a six hours each way.

Much like Frank, I'd want to be woken up to see a weird stripping thing with Dennis and Charlie.

He really did look too old to be attending a magical school for people in their early 20s. Maybe in Spain they are more loose with their admissions than Brakebills is?

Given what we know about Narnia (and thus can assume about Fillory) evolution might not have happened.

Yeah… but GoT is a direct adaptation. There are a few mildly superficial similarities between stuff that happened to Comic!Legion and stuff happening to TV!Legion, but it is mostly completely a completely original story. For example I can't really see David time traveling to kill his father's greatest rival and

38 isn't too old to be a stripper, especially with his body. The reason most strippers are out of the business by that age is that either they have moved on or they can't maintain their bodies.

And I think this leaves room for Mac's thoughts and feelings about Dennis to be explored more in the future. No way are they going to let Mac's fantasies be swept under the rug.

Olsen is the most talented actor in the group. Charlie Day is sometimes given complex emotions to portray, but no where near the range they routinely require of Olsen. And the other three mostly require consistency over complexity.

I know the cast went to LA Pride in the wake of the Orlando Shooting. There are lots of cute photos of them here: http://ew.com/article/2016/…

Well, on the SyFy channel she can only be so filthy in her word choices. But still, they give her lots of profanity.

Plus in a novel the author can just dump information about the setting and characters. In a TV show they have to figure out how characters can have a conversation about these things. Game of Thrones did it sometimes in the most hamfisted way possible (often while naked women were in the background to cover up the fact

In the movie, it's pretty heavily implied that the asteroid is just a freak occurrence that the government was too incompetent to notice. Hence why they show that Klendathu is on the other side of the super-massive black hole in the center of the galaxy, which would make it essentially impossible for the Bugs to send

I thought it looked like it sped up. When they showed the hologram of what happened, it looked like Eros was on the same course, just farther along.

Well, it clearly has some sort of intelligence as evidenced by the final scene of last season.

That only works if you are interested in boobs.

What I found interesting was that they brought up the Mormon spaceship way back in episode two or three. I remember it because I couldn't figure out why they seemingly had this important conversation about Mormons in space, it stuck out to me as one of the weirdest details of the episode.

Miller was really exhausted and struggling to move those bombs in near zero gravity…