
It is the inevitable conclusion to this plot. They made it that way by making the marriage impossible to get out of by divorce. And they aren't going to kill off Eliot.

It is kind of odd that there would be this long discussion about guns without anyone ever mentioning that a significant portion of the team uses firearms every time they go into the field.

I don't really understand how the very basic and fundamental nature of how the powers work of a character that was created in 1985 could be a spoiler…. but okay.

Well… I don't think it is information. In the circles I travel in, I don't know anyone who isn't very well informed about what the other side believes. They all think the other side is made up of idiots and con artists, but they know what they believe.

But the problem is that it isn't simply a fantasy trope they are dealing with… it's also a trope associated with gay characters as a way to erase their sexuality. Literally as long as there have been gay characters on TV they have been married off to the opposite sex as a way to have a gay character without having any

Joe was really tied from and struggling to lift those bombs in zero g….

Reminds me how The New Normal spent the first act of an episode making jokes about aborting babies with red hair, then had a huge standing-on-a-soap-box speech in the second act about how you should not discriminate against people for being different.

Don't Diggle and Rene regularly kill people with guns?

Ehh, Legends of Tomorrow went to the least racist Nazi club, and hung out with the least racist Nazis in history (at one point Jax was wearing a Nazi uniform!).

Before American Horror Story and Glee Ryan Murphy wrote a show called Popular. There was an episode in it where in the span of a single day the characters managed to solve racism, sexism, discrimination against the over-weight, homophobia, and antisemitism.

There's a Batman the Animated Series episode where, when Batman is sprayed with the Scarecrow's fear toxin he literally hallucinates a giant gun, his parents dying, and their graves. Being anti-gun is pretty much a defining feature of Batman.

There's a certain degree of bubbles between liberals and conservatives where, due to the fragmentation of the media and the rise of the internet, they have filtered out anything not specific to their worldview.

Arrow was subtly political back in season one where rich people were basically complete assholes who got their money through bloody and exploitative capitalism and wanted to literally kill the poor.

(Also props to the stripper for approaching a dude.)

I've finished reading Garth Ennis's "The Boys."

I do think it is the Shadow King. That seems like the most logical choice and would fit with all the evidence that has been presented so far.

Don't forget psyche absorption.

He's Jean Grey with dozens of other powers.

That was super creepy. One of the creepiest visuals I have seen in awhile. Particularly since it was unnaturally dark contrasted to the very light room.

There are a couple possibilities it could be. My guess is that it is a character known as the Shadow King. That seems to fit most of the evidence so far.