
Me as well. I'm hoping that she was just inspired by Emma Frost.

She's coming off as very Emma Frost-ish. Between the white outfits and blonde hair and cold and calculating attitude. But I hope they don't actually go that route.

In the comics, David naturally absorbs any mind that is nearby when that person dies. So I pretty much assumed when Lenny died she was absorbed into him, and now she's riffling through his memories (or possibly he's going into her's).

The look we got in Legion seems more Shadow King than Mojo to me.

It happened midway through last season… so probably.

Anywho, Quentin.. you are pretty much a selfish prick. You could have tried wishing for the well to be fixed. You could have tried helping Eliot out of his situation. You could have wished for a portal directly from Fillory to Earth so Margo didn't have to keep going through the Neitherlands (speaking of which, it

I… didn't understand the Margo/Julia scene. Margo and Julia barely know each other. They've never actually interacted and their only time together was when Quentin showed up in Fillory with her, and even then they were off on different quests for most of that period.

Quentin has been likable at least since Penny confronted him about singing Taylor Swift in episode 3. He's boring and overly self-absorbed… but he has a ridiculous and nerdy side.

That doesn't seem bisexual to me at all.

And it seemed to be Fillory specific. They didn't see anyone who died outside of Fillory there.

Hale Appleman is amazing. On Shadowhunters there is a character who is basically a knock off Eliot… and Harry Shum Jr. goes for the same kinds of affectations that Appleman goes for… and it is so grating and painful to watch that I haven't been able to get more than six or so episodes into the series (also, the show

It's pretty much a be careful what you wish for situation. There really isn't any reason for any of them to want to be there, considering it fucked them over and Breakbills was pretty awesome for them (all things considered). The only reason to stick around is to fix the well (and that Eliot for some reason can't

My god… I feel like I say this every week… but the whole "Eliot is married" plotline is such a painful mix of horrifying and terrible that I want it to die in a fire. That pseudo-threesome was just… ugh… it was trying to recreate the threesome from last season in the worst possible way. I am almost getting to the

I've thought Mac was hotter than Dennis since at least "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis" when we got to compare them shirtless side-by-side.

No, she's Big Bird!

My problem with the episode was just that it was too short. There was enough going on that it should have been a supersized or double episode. I mean you had Mac and Frank playing the video game, Mac's increasingly disturbing dreams, Charlie and Dennis working as strippers, and Dee concocting a horrifying revenge

She's a bird!

He is. He's hotter than Dennis.

Well… they cast the actor as much younger than he should be to have a daughter that old. He would have had to have had her when he was (at most) 18 and more likely 16 or younger.

The difference is that Frank is the corporate killer. Frank is the person who decides to poison the river, or not recall the defective car, or whatever. Frank will do dark, fucked up, and violent things, but not necessarily because he derives pleasure out of it (other than amusement), but because he finds it