
We're living in Trump's America now…

Hey @avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus ! What did you think of The Magicians this week? Also have you seen Shadowhunters? It's basically The Magicians but done really poorly. It will make you appreciate Hale Appleman more because Harry Shum Jr. is going for the exact same affectation… but doing it in the

…Wait… Mojo is in this? Well in that case I am watching.

No one in Japan cares, in fact most people are super excited to see Scarlet Johannson play the role. Caring about white washing is very much an Asian-American thing, which to be fair, Asian-Americans are horribly underrepresented in the US media. Hence why no one in countries with Asian majority populations that

Literally nothing you have to do is more important, nor more fulfilling than Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season one.

I have a stomach ache. And I am not sure if it is telling me to eat something or to not eat something. It's sort of midway between nausea and hunger.

Yes. And here's her picture:

Are those the sock puppets? Considering I never interacted with either of them… I don't have much of a take. I have been in communities where there were long-term sock puppeting going on. It is pretty upsetting when you discover someone you've interacted with for years is lying to you about everything.

It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday

Speaking of which Alice being taken out of commission means we won't be able to get that scene. Which is really sad.

Alice is awesome! But you'll wind up loving Abigail, Poppy, and Benedict in The Magician King. You'll like Eliot even more (he's no longer in the closet and no longer an alcoholic). And Quentin shares POV with Julia who is a much more interesting mind.

In the show, magic comes from pain…. and so every episode is about destroying the characters in the most horrifying ways possible.

It is "spoiler" not "spoilers."

Now, the TV show superhero adaptation I want is Dan Slott's She-Hulk which is basically just a comedic Law & Order: Marvel Universe.

Hot Take: DC knew a TV adaptation of Damage Control was in the works at Marvel for awhile and tried to jump the gun.

Like Adam Strange or Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld?

Like Dolphin or the second Dr. Light?

Yeah. I think it would largely impossible to do it any other way than sort of flattening the timelines a bit. Because Julia is a non-entity in the first book and (despite being the best part of the second book) has a fairly slim story in the second book. But she's also a pivotal character, and has lots of interesting

Which the real question is why OLU is such a dick? In the books it was never exactly clear how Reynard worked it out that OLU would take Julia. He just says, "I will give you something more. I will give you what you wanted, what you summoned me for." And then OLU just shows up later on and turns Julia into a tree…

Actor's contracts pretty much prevent certain characters from disappearing from the show for huge chunks of time.