
The big thing with the books is that magic is very difficult in this world.

Well, of course Dennis would like Dennis.

"Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs" is an amazing episode of television. They essentially are doing The Shining but with two Jacks.

Some of these things, like the Keystone XL pipeline, aren't even viable projects any more.

Well they never did Murs properly (can't afford to film in France). So the reworked timeline is that Julia more or less instantly discovers the Safehouses after being rejected from Brakebills. And then, due to stuff happening, has her breakdown and goes to the psychiatric hospital where she meets the show's version of

They did the first book's finale (somewhat loosely interpreted) but mixed it in with a bunch of stuff from book two. Basically the show's adaptation moves Julia to arrive in Fillory when Quentin first arrives in Fillory, and then has the final confrontation with the Beast somewhere midway into Gods eliminating magic

They didn't show it so that Penny could go to her for help thinking she was uncursed.

Yeah the characters were incredibly underdeveloped in order to make room for a lot of aesthetics. We got a lot about David's perspective of the universe…but we didn't actually get much of his personality.

Well Lenny is here to stay and is going to be able to be in control. Part of his power is to just suck minds into his own when they die near him. But if you are aware of the character's history, then you can start to discern what is supposed to be real and what is just happening in David's head. Although I was

Oh hey! It's Charlie Day's birthday!

I don't know how anyone could make sense of it without having a working knowledge of the comic character. Because it really leans into some of the ambiguities and complexity of the character without bothering with any of the concrete explanations.

I'm 45 minutes into Legion and I don't know how anyone could make sense of this without knowing who David Haller is. And as it is, I still have no idea what's just in his mind and what's actually happening to him.

Yeah. He's a lecherous, dirty satyr here. And even when he got released he didn't clean up in any meaningful way. The show's version pretty much abandoned any attempt to be a commentary on Aslan in favor of semen jokes.

Surprisingly emotionally affecting.

Well I can tell you people have certainty modified bicycles in that way. Videos are on the amateur porn sites. And there are lots of non-bicycle machines that are essentially doing what Mac's bike does.

Well, Dennis indicated in "The Gang Gets Analyzed" that he uses Mac's sexuality to manipulate him. Hence why he knew what Mac did with the pen, and congratulated the doctor on using it.

No, it is an explanation that has existed since at least the '90s when I was a gay teenager… And probably long before that. But it is completely wrong. It is Americans not understanding British customs and language about insulting women.

Well the gang has never particularly been homophobic. They use homophobic language a lot, they don't have much resembling a decent understanding of LGBT issues… But they don't actually care if someone is gay (or transgender in the case of Carmen). Remember both times they met with that gay administrator and were

There are books where the point of view character is not the protagonist. But that's not the case with any of The Magicians books. Those books usually take the form of an ancillary character relaying the adventures of the protagonist. Quentin is only ever relaying his own story, and is intellectually incurious enough

Yeah Alice is clearly not dead. She's going to be coming back sooner than latter. It was also really weird that the demon was able to "kill" her. Alice following the characterization of book three. That seems to have so many more story possibilities.