
By the by… I'll leave you something here to ponder: "ReJoshecca ChaBunch"

I don't think Arrow will ever get as good again as it was in seasons one and two (both of which had problems, but the good outweighed the bad). What stood out about those seasons were the stunning practical effects and the show implicitly contrasting Oliver's more brutal approach to crime fighting with Batman's. It

So…. President Trump is letting SNL bring out the long knives. I can't remember any administration where so many people were regularly satirized as this one.

Current rankings of the Arrowverse TV shows:

No doy. I don't really mind it though because putting together three of the most entertaining villains the Arrowverse has is delightful. But time travel on The Flash has become completely overused and makes no sense any more. They don't even bother with justifying the completely arbitrary rules that change every

I don't think anyone ever has so closely captured a downward spiral of self-loathing the way "You Stupid Bitch" does. It's a perfect song, which Rachel Bloom sings with such passion.

I can say that when you get to the finale you will be jumping up and down and up an down saying "oh my god! Oh my god!" and desperately wishing for season three.

But seriously… poor Josh. We've seen how devious and destructive and demented Rebecca and Paula and Valencia have been. That group of women actively embracing a mission of vengeance…. that's a scary as hell thought.

I'd hate to spoil anyone on this…. because it is magnificent.

What Josh did was clearly something intensely painful for anyone. But I love how they subtly set up the entire show around this moment, and how emotionally devastating it would be for Rebecca. All the way since episode three this has been coming and I never saw it.

You know, the season finale of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was really, really good.

My take on Eliot has always been that he's omni / pan in orientation (with a male preference), and adventurous / non-monogamous in execution. For example, I thought his relationship with book-Janet / show-Margo was of a BFF-with-occasional-benefits nature? (Been a while since I've read the books)

"You know the number one cause of office accidents is Superman crashing through the window mid flight."

Was that "Vaguely defined reasons" comment a slam on BvS?

Okay, I really liked the "I'm assuming you lived" joke on Powerless.

Given that I live within an hour of Bowling Green. I was too traumatized to go outside.

Well she still has that business in Japan that she got to talk to the prime minister about (nothing shady there).

If Texas is up in two years, it might very well go to a Democrat. Ted Cruz is liked in Texas, but Clinton improved drastically over Obama there, and midterms are not favorable to the party in power. If a lot of people pop up to vote against Trump whie Republican turnout is depressed, the Democrats could take it along

From what I have heard through the grapevine… no he doesn't. He just says he does to rile people up. There's a little debate if he's even gay, but if he is his boyfriend of the last several years (since before he became a professional troll) is very, very white.

Strangers In Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild