
But anyway, there was a book published a couple of months ago about a rural Louisiana area where the local environment was incredibly polluted by oil industry. And yet the residents were staunch conservatives who hated the EPA and kept voting Republican. They were very aware of the fact that they were voting to

We're not in the minority. Our problem is that our electoral system prioritizes geography over individual humans as part of or long legacy of slavery.

This is what happens when all of the authoritarians gravitate into one political party, and spend decades stoking resentment towards everyone else.

I don't believe so. They were covering their breasts and putting on dresses when he dismissed them.

Yeah. The Republican Party is the party that has literally come out in favor of poisoning rivers…. stop to think about that.

The actress has said she really wants to do Margo/Janet's time in the desert. But yeah, I like that in the books she was uniquely skilled at foreign relations. And that she just randomly decided to take over vast chunks of land whenever she felt like it.

Trump is not smart or emotionally mature enough to have grand plans. No one in his circle of advisers and sycophants are capable of controlling him enough to enact grand plans (and most aren't smart enough to come up with them).

Eliot's situation is strange. I guess at best it can be a way to 'be careful what you wish for' the whole set of storybook Disney tropes, but it also threatens to be something ickier about a charismatic gay lead forced back into the closet for reasons of plot and not of sense.

Well, it is not like Janet was particularly well developed in the books. Margo really is Eliot's also-ran. She's as snarky as he is, but without his depth. Last season they attempted to pair off Alice and Margo a few times, but it became pretty noticeable how Margo got written out of the show whenever Eliot was going

Hopefully they off Eliot's wife with whatever the hell the Beast cursed Whitespire with. Because this whole marriage plotline (and what I am assuming the aftermath will be) is horrifying on a lot of levels.

Class is way way way more of a horrer genre show than I ever would have expected.

Dune is unfilmable. It's a science-fiction story about feudalism and religion centered around a barely decipherable conspiracy, and requiring non-stop exposition.

Well I'm watching this video of Rachel Bloom on Whose Line is it Anyway?.

If that were the case, Lucifer would be condemning a lot of people he seems to like quite a bit to hell.

If I understand correctly, Lucifer is in his own (formerly) angelic body. Where as Charlotte is just in a human body.

So far nothing has happened to indicate that God didn't know all this would happen exactly as it happened (up to and including Charlotte's escape from Hell). He's a complete asshole, but he had all this planned.

Well the sleeping with patients thing is, as far as I remember, strictly Lucifer who used his sex whammy on her. So it isn't something she was mostly to blame for.

Okay, who wants to kill me?

Well, God had the foresight to create Chloe decades before Lucifer actually quit his job. So I would say it is all part of his plan, more than likely.

I don't know. I've always liked Quentin. He's cute and dopey and has terrible judgement. And the show loves to mock him. I can see why other people find him unlikable, but to me, he's pretty great.