
Thankfully no one will ever take Richard Spencer seriously again. Now he's a literal punch line.

I have. Rachel Bloom is a national treasure.

Those are good choices. I mean, how can you not be overwhelmed by Tovah Feldshuh?

And one thing to remember is that Rebecca is living with a roommate in a fairly small apartment (with a bad reputation) in a downscale suburb. Her living expenses aren't going to be that high, particularly assuming she either didn't take out student loans or already paid them off (which both are likely). Which means

I think she's making more than she was last year. She was already the firm's top earner, and as the series has progressed, it seems more and more obvious that she's keeping the entire firm afloat (so much so that Plimpkin, Plimpkin, and Plimpkin decided to buy Whitefeather and Associates strictly to employ her). So I

They don't seem to actually understand what "citizenship" means, do they?

Donna Lynn Champlin also lost a lot of weight over the course of the first season.

Yep. I think Rebecca can maintain a relationship that is not with Josh… but it will never be healthy and she will always revert back to obsessing over Josh and neglecting whoever she is dating. She had one bad day with Greg (granted, Greg really fucked up) and immediately slept with Josh. That's something that will

I feel I should probably start responding to all your posts with pictures of hot red haired men now.

He's an elderly gentleman. Wouldn't due to fall and break his hips.

Remember that Elion Musk guy that everyone loves for no apparent reason? Well he was supposed to be working on space colonies and failed. So let's blame him.

Ehh, there are Jewish temples that don't reference God or the supernatural at all. Essentially entire temples of atheist Jews.

Well, Hitler finally took down the US…

The weakest songs are all pretty much the ones where the writers simply have a funny concept they are amusing themselves with, as opposed to songs that reflect the individual character's states of mind. That said, I still love "Women Gotta Stick Together" and "Heavy Boobs."

I don't think it will be any specific religion, outside of Father Brah officiating. Rebecca certainly doesn't seem to be in any rush to find a huppah.

But it wasn't up to the TWIST ending of season one of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend!

How often have you crashed a party with a sweet dance routine?