
I don't think it is possible to effectively write Josh out of the series. Part of Rebecca's issues is that every single time things get difficult, she'll turn to Josh as a magical fix all. That's the central driving force behind the show: the endless tug of war between Rebecca and her obsession with Josh. Replacing

Where's the coven from season three of American Horror Story when you need it?

No, they haven't. Although this season has gone a lot more deeply into Rebecca's own view of her Judaism. Even as manic and desperate as Rebecca is at times, I can't see her ever converting.

Well Archie does take his shirt off within about five minutes… so if you have thing for redheads (like I do) there's still that.

It was so nice of Rebecca to invite Maya to her bridal shower (but apparently not Karen). After all Rebecca proves to Maya that a woman really can have it all.

I don't think you are allowed to marry a non-Catholic in the church.

Yeah. Neither Paula nor Rebecca is particularly interested in Darryl, so we don't really get much insight into his life.

Okay, I am at the scene where Josie (of Josie and the Pussycats) tells Archie it is rude to look at her cat ears headband, and then starts to explain how she/they are creating her/their brand (which why would you include cat ears in your "brand" if you don't want people to look at them?). This comes directly after

It's like Riverdale specifically wants me to hate it.

Well of the original six main characters, a third of them were not white. Now, thanks to Greg leaving, that's up to 40%.


And it was his crazy idea… one he brought up right as Rebecca was having a real psychological breakthrough. If he hadn't proposed, all his issues might have resolved themselves.

Ranking the characters on The Magicians by their hair:

One of my favorite line readings is still, "Wow, okay, so, Trent's here. Why's Trent here? You know what? Don't tell me. Just whatever nonsense is going on between the two of you, now, I just… you know what? I don't want to know."

Well one thing I enjoy about the show is how unafraid it is to talk about the gross and weird aspects of women's bodies (and the deliberate de-sexualization). After so many years of dick jokes, it's a nice change of pace to have the onslaught of period jokes.

One of the things that I like about the show is that it enfolds so many ideas into Rebecca. Rebecca has serious neuro-biological problems and chemical imbalances… but she also has pretty severe psychological problems she is failing to work through. And so every action Rebecca takes can be viewed through the lens of

I'm so jealous I wanna lock you in a basement with soundproof walls and take over your identity…

I think the fact that Rachel Bloom has dealt with issues of depression and anxiety makes its depiction of those problems feel very realistic even while everything else takes place in an extremely heightened reality.

So who wants to bet on what happens next episode? The smart money is likely on the wedding blowing up in Rebecca's face and she breaks up with Josh. But that's fairly similar to how season one ended. I think there is a decent possibility that they go through with the wedding and the season ends on a Josh having a

He's the villain of his own story, and the hero of our story as an audience.