
Every female character pays a compliment to Josh.

I think there's a version of a wedding where that tuxedo looked good. It wasn't super attractive, but it also wasn't overly hideous. But a wedding that was going to be executed in only two weeks? Not enough time for that.

Hey! Crazy Ex-Girlfriend released the music video that was TOO SEXY FOR THE CW!

I was surprised there wasn't a shared moment of intimacy between Rebecca and Nathaniel over public humiliation due to pooping on yourself.

I've had an uncomfortable amount of "I am Rebecca Bunch" moments. The first one was in "A Boyband Made Up of Four Joshes" where they commented about how she kept having dreams where she died. Then in "Sexy French Depression" she had a line about buying a book about John Wayne Gacy. Which I have absolutely, 100% done

That office meeting scene was funny because it wasn't just that Nathaniel farted, it's that he attempted to pass it off on someone else, and that Maya leaped in to claim it as her own. And he dismissed everyone.

As someone who has been hospitalized due to depression issues… yeah, I get it. Feeling "normal" would be better, but looking normal is a step in the right direction.

So it is soooooo wonderful that the best complement anyone gives Rebecca is to say she looks "normal."

The make up for Sick Nathaniel was really bad. It didn't blend into his neck or ears or around his eyes. It distracted me the entire time he was on screen.

How to plan a normal wedding please help

What I like about it is that he promised a ban on all Muslims entering the country and we wound up with…a ban on permanent residency (and possibly only refugee permanent residency) from a small handful of countries that don't include any of the ones Trump has major business dealing in.

Yeah. There are a lot of fascinating divergences. Julia, for example, is barely in the first book. However, her story is told in flashback in the second book and takes place concurrently with the first book. But her story is both pretty slight and involves traveling across the entire planet. So they basically just

What's with this series and slightly off spellings of common names?

How are you enjoying the first book?

Well I was satisfied. Although nothing really feels particularly final about it. Some of the relationships end pretty weirdly. It does wrap up a lot of lose ends from the previous books. It gives Janet a lot of badly needed characterization.

Trump's FCC nominee doesn't exactly make it seem like this isn't relevant.

So, anywho, Donald Trump is coming for the internet:

Hey @avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus ! I finished the last book in The Magicians series.

Seems like a real winner to me.

How many talking dinosaurs are in it?